I (24m) talk pretty softly in a normal setting but I notice that talking to people at loud college bars is near impossible got any advice

  1. That’s the energy my friend. You gotta match it. They way I do it is if I’m talking to someone in a loud bar and they seem to like me, I offer to bring them somewhere else where it’s quieter. Perhaps outside the bar if they out an outdoor area where other people are. Or somewhere else where that’s away from the speakers and stuff. Either way, that’s how bars are and people will expect you to speak loudly.

  2. Smile,and say hi. Most people can understand lip read “hi”. If there’s good eye contact and smiling, you can lean in toward their ear and ask them how’s it going. Because it’s loud, it gives you a chance to get closer, use body language etc.

  3. If you’re interested in being social you’ll find a way. Go for it.

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