My last post sucked and I apologize. Gonna try this instead. Wife is leaving me. Said I’m the reason for her low self esteem….I have broken her…she is 42 very beautiful…I’m 47 ex SEC football player. I raised her 3 sons….they are older out of the house. If you want to now details just ask. Won’t bore you. Just know she is done trying. I have no answers. Just need help from those that have gone through this type of stuff. Been married for 13 years and truly love my wife.

  1. This sucks, man, and I’m sorry.

    I’m sure the boys still love and care for you.

    Regarding you, you are an ex-SEC player. What are you a future of? At 47 you can still make a new mark in your life.

  2. 1. Get a good lawyer.

    2. Go after everything and give up nothing. Fight for everything and make she do the same. Don’t let her win the divorce.

  3. It sounds like you need to find your own identity. Being a former college athlete means nothing at this stage of life. Don’t rely on that.

    So now what? It’s time to really look at yourself and who you are. What are you doing with your life?

    I read your prior post. It sounds like you and your wife have been through a lot. And now she’s moving on. It’s time for you to move on as well. Don’t just let life happen. Create the life that you want.

  4. Why is your identity still so tied up in something that happened 20+ years ago? Your 47. Get real individual therapy. Your wife cannot fix you and you cannot fix your wife.

  5. I appreciate everyone’s comments. Sometimes life happens. You learn things happen for a reason. I just wish I could figure out what I did that was so horrible that my wife can’t get over. And for clarification…I have a new job coaching football and teaching. Seems as if the county I was in was notorious for getting rid of teachers for nothing….go figure.

  6. Well first stop being forced to resign your (2) jobs for inappropriate behavior. Even if it is true or not. Sounds like to me she fell out of love because she can’t trust you. I am not judging you just trying to help. You have to be trustworthy to get her back in my opinion and that might not even work at this point. I know a lot of people in education and it takes a lot for them to force you to resign, that means if you did not then they would have to fire you and you would get a union appointed lawyer and the mess would be public.

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