So there’s a guy on my lacrosse team (somewhat closeted trans male) who I had been crushing on for months. I finally got his number at school one day. Afterschool, I messaged him good luck at the game he had that day. (He never responded) That evening he added me on snap. I’m assuming because he saw how to spell my name (its rather unconventional).

So anyway, we have a snap streak of about a month now, (2-3 snaps back and forth a day) and he’s on my best friends list (I rarely use snap outside of him) The thing is, almost all of our snaps have had no captions (or whatever the word things on the pics are called) on them. There’s practically no conversation happening. The first time I tried started one I asked how the game went, and they lost… so I responded D:, and then he wished me a happy bday. Ive tried commenting/asking questions about things I see in the pics he sends, and he always responds, but the conversation dies really quickly.
I wonder if hes just not interested in talking to me, but recently commented on his dog, and we had a whole (awkward) conversation about our dogs, where he even asked me questions back. Which i dont think hed do if he didnt want to talk to me.

Im still wondering if hes only snapping me to be nice and thinks I have no friends (I tend to keep to myself a lot) or he just really likes keeping snap streaks (he has a snap score of like 80,000). I wouldn’t be surprised if he comsiders me a friend, as we play the same position for the same team afterall, but we didnt really talk outside of “how are yous”
In case it wasnt obvious, I’m socially awkward, intorverted, and shy, and I dont know how snapchat works. Im not sure if i should continue trying to start convos, i dont want to if he’s not into it yknow. Where should I go from here?

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