So, in the past, I did date a few middle eastern guys and they all pretty much behaved the same towards me. They expected sex like I owed it to them or something, and were very disrespectful. Anyway, after all that, and talking about this to some ppl, they all said the same thing. That middle eastern dudes only fuck American women and marry a native Virgin. I’m sure this isn’t true across the Board but I’d like to know your thoughts

  1. Because it’s a thing that happens.

    Take rich, entitled men from a sexually repressive, highly patriarchal culture that views women as second or third class citizens.

    Then drop them far away from parental supervision with lots of spending money in a country with liberal attitudes towards sex.

    They’ll fuck the (to them) exotic white girls, while planning on marrying a girl from back home that their parents select for them.

    You see similarly behavior by wealthy international students from patriarchal cultures elsewhere as well. Middle Eastern men aren’t unique in that regard.

    Then you’ve got the white, western sexpat going to SE Asian countries to fuck around with girls there.

    Shitty people come in all colors and creeds. But some cultures do have more problems with certain kinds of shittiness. And money has a tendency to magnify it.

  2. Because it does happen. They come from a strict culture and are either too scared or dont want to be disowned from their family so they go back home to marry someone their family picks out for them.

  3. When I first started dating my Persian boyfriend, I was quite concerned about this as well.. I’d read all sorts of things about Middle Eastern men treating their American girlfriends like that. But I must have lucked out because my BF is incredibly kind, loving, thoughtful, and sincere. When hanging out with his fellow Persian friends they are all, also, very kind and loving with their partners/spouses (and they all fully welcomed me into their friend group). We do have a great sex life, but any time that I’ve declined sex he has never been disrespectful or mean about it. We’ve only been together for 6 months and I’m not expecting him to marry me or anything (honestly, marriage isn’t something that either of us are looking for right now), but he has told his siblings about me and we are both feeling about ready for him to meet my kids (which I definitely would never consider if I didn’t believe he was genuine with me).

    On the other hand, my super white American ex-husband was an abusive entitled disrespectful asshole. Being a jerk isn’t limited to one race or culture.

  4. Makes sense to me, members of the outgroup don’t get the same respect as members of the ingroup.

  5. middle eastern man usually sexually depressed and the only thing they know is to control or ownage. Most of the women i speak to or heard said the same thing, just being honest.

  6. Yeah it’s one of those stereo types that is pretty widely regarded as true in most cases. We had this girl in our friend group that wouldn’t give it up for anybody and then fell for a rich man from the Middle East. He’d treat her like absolute garbage and then rent a motel room and smash the shit out of her and leave haha. Never introduced her to his family and cheated on her constantly. You’re just a piece of meat to them. Granted there is no shortage of guys from home that do the same thing.

  7. I actually just read an article about it a while ago, but with more focus on the abandoned kids

    Middle eastern men fuck around with women overseas, then when their study ends abandoning her and their kids while they’re living their best life marrying pure fresh virgin (*barf*) approved by his parents, completely erasing their past live behind without caring about the ones left behind.

  8. You can replace middle eastern with any and keep the rich part and it still rings true.

    Rick white men will fuck anything that moves as well but since they’re local they still end up trying to marry ‘wife material’.

    Money gives people power and they know it. It’s just that the majority of white people and other races you know are probably not rich. Majority of middle eastern or sc ppl you see that are in America at all are rich or at least upper middle class because otherwise they would never have reached america in the first place.

  9. Flipping self opinionated swines, with literally billions at their disposal! Treat these middle eastern swines with the contempt they deserve! Please do NOT fall for their unlimited amount of money, that money belongs to the poor, down trodden people and was usurped by these vermin!

  10. I actually had the opportunity to speak with a middle Eastern acquaintance about this when I was younger. He specifically told me it wasn’t allowed. He said they were allowed to play around/have sex w non middle Eastern women but they had to marry/date only other middle Eastern women.

  11. Had the same experience and my friends told me the same things that everyone is saying in the comments, it all rings true

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