So I recently was on a trip with multiple university classes and I met a girl there which I was instantly attracted to. She also showed interest, but rather on the passive side of the spectrum.

Then the first night we were together at a party, we hit it off right away and ended up having sex. For her, something like that is extremely untypical, she said to me, and I’m also pretty sure that she’s not lying about it, since I would rate her as rather reserved and shy when it comes to the topic of sex. The same goes for me as well, but the situation just felt right.

Now it is unfortunately only so that I feel during the kissing with her currently no strong spark and generally the conversations are not as enthusiastic between us as I would like it to be. We have definitely some personality traits in common, but our interests are differing a bit.

Do you think that through regular dating this can still change, so that a relationship with her would be possible, or is it usually so that if at the beginning there are already slight doubts, one should rather leave it to avoid false hopes? She really seems to like me very much and shows really strong interest, but unfortunately, I’m not 100% sure yet what I feel about her. What would you do?

1 comment
  1. That’s the great part about dating bro. You do it to get to know the other person and feel them out. Just date causally and if it doesn’t work out it’s no big deal.

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