I (29F) am on the smaller side and have been told I feel very tight to partner (35M) when we first start having sex, but I get very into it, orgasm easily, and end up getting extremely wet after a few minutes, which reduces friction and requires us to towel off every few minutes. I know I’m sexually healthy and this isn’t an abnormal discharge problem, and he’s fairly girthy, so this isn’t a size problem either. I just happen to produce a lot of natural lubrication. Does anyone else have this problem? Have you found a solution besides just keeping a towel nearby? I know it’s a weird problem to have and some may not consider it a problem, but it can be annoying, especially if we’re in the middle of something great and the sensation begins to diminish.

  1. Why in God’s name would you towel that magic amazing sexy sauce away? This seems like someone concerned that they have too much money tbh, lol.

    Tell him that more lube means faster and harder penetration, that’s when he should go to town. Don’t wipe that stuff away, lol.

    Edit: Spelling/grammar

  2. Hormonal birth control was the only thing that changed this for me, but then i had the exact opposite problem. And speaking only for myself, the only problem with me getting wet easily was that i thought of it as/was led to believe it was a problem. I totally see the issue with lack of friction, but toweling off is a perfectly fine solution in my opinion. The interruption it creates seems like a non issue in my mind.

    PS I did get my hormones checked at one point to make sure everything was normal (it was). Thought I’d mention in case you have any concern over your hormonal health.

    Edit: Also, some positions helped create enough friction for him in light of my extra wetness.

  3. I’m the same way and guys always mention it when they’re with me. Although most have said it makes it feel much better. I used to be embrassed about it, and sometimes I still am but I’m not sure what I could do about it so I just try not to stress about it.
    I really enjoy it during masturbation. Although during vaginal sex it does sometimes demish the feeling. I think that’s part of the reason I’ve been really into anal sex. Because I produce so much, there’s no need for actual lube and it still feels really good.
    I hope you’re able to come to a solution

  4. I would say if u want to avoid mess on the sheets or something just have a towel under but let that natural juice flow like a river. I’m sure he is happy he can get u there & u re lucky that u can get there too. Many women experience the opposite, painful dryness.

  5. I understand and I had the same issue. People commenting it’s not a problem… believe us when we say it is and let it go please. We know our bodies and what feels good.

    I would just keep a towel nearby and wipe occasionally (I would still be wet from penetration but I could feel him inside better.) I almost never needed lube. Finally in my 40s it has tapered off lol. Now I use lube 95% of the time.

    I have seen other posts from women about this so we aren’t alone 🙂

    Oh! And I did ask my OB about it in my early 20s and just know there isn’t anything medically wrong about it:)

  6. Try an anti histamine..

    Take one at least an hour before sex and see how you get on – it really helps a lot of women with the same issue.

  7. Is this a complaint? If you both need more stimulation to keep the ball rolling after you lubricate like that, add in some toys. Don’t give up and definitely don’t towel off. Keep the towel under you and escalate things until you are both spent.

  8. Same problem. Have your lover have a towel ready. Have him pull out and wipe his cock off when you get too slick and then reenter you.

  9. I have same issue. I asked my doctor for a drying pill, like they used to use years ago to dry up a mother’s milk supply, she said there’s no such thing and laughed at me. I hear you on the friction part. My ex told me before that it made me feel looser once while doing it. I’ve been with my husband for 15 years, he claims to love it and hates when I wipe his dick off during, but I can’t help it, I feel like I get a better grip after wiping us both off every 10 minutes or so. We have never ever had to use lube, he had to with his ex all the time so I feel a tad lucky, however after all these years I still can’t get my exes comment out of my head. I HATE this so much!

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