Do you like it when your girl takes initiative and plans a date or do you prefer to be the one planning it?

  1. I’ve been married for a few years now and I love it when my wife plans something. A good relationship should have both people getting their needs met and both people doing the mental and emotional labor of planning things.

  2. Definitely love when a woman takes the initiative, makes me feel important because it’s not the norm

  3. I mean, sometimes it’s a shitty date so whatever. If the woman is right for me it’ll make the relationship better, if she’s not it’ll make it worse.

  4. I’d like it if she planned the whole date, what she does is just saying “we should go out soon” and leaving the rest for me to plan.

  5. I do like it when there is equal exchange. Women dislike the “I dont mind / what do you want to do ” type of guy though, do if you are not contributing, you’re going into burden territory- dont stay there.

  6. I don’t mind making plans. Of course, I am a planner by nature, I feel that is one of my strengths

  7. I like initiative. Especially when it’s done with a regard for and interest in what I like and am interested in.

  8. Absolutely love it. As long as it’s actually planned and not just,’We should go out. Why are we not going out more?”

  9. Normally, I’d prefer to take the lead. But if my partner wants to arrange something, that’s totally fine.

  10. Yes, relationships and dating are a two way street.

    This whole the man should plan everything is an archaic thought process, women taking the initiative and planning and initiating time together is attractive and makes us feel desired.

  11. If someone wants to go someplace, great. Share the joy. But don’t get finessed on like the first couple of dates.

  12. Oh absolutely. Generally I do that but sometimes my girlfriend just takes charge and I absolutely love when she does that. She actually did that for our very first date. I asked her out but then she decided where we were going, came and picked me up in her car, and bought me lunch. It was a really refreshing change of pace if I’m being honest. It’s pretty rare that I get treated to a date as I’m usually the one planning and making it happen.

  13. Been my exper. that MOST women have the date and how it’ll go all planned out before the date is actually set!

  14. not a problem. shows initiative. just don’t be dominating. consider what i like and no problem.

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