I’m a young female and I still live with my parents, although I naturally have a very high libido. I understand the risks for sex, and I’ve been preparing to meet up with my boyfriend for both of our first times (We’ve talked about it and our boundaries, and I’m so excited for it!!). Until then though, I want to OWN my body. I’m a firm believer in knowing my body insanely well before somebody else does. I already have a small bullet vibrator but I would like a very discrete dildo aswell, or a rabbit, or even a stronger vibrator. One that doesn’t look obvious. My parents don’t snoop through my stuff but incase they look around I’d like something less….out there. You know? Where can I buy something discrete and quiet?

1 comment
  1. We’ve had superb luck with Amazon for sex toys. Stick to well reviewed stuff.

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