So I’m curious to know what was your “I’m done” moment and asked for a divorce? What has your life been like? Any regrets?

  1. He was from one religion and I was from another, we were fine, one day he started making derogatory comments about the women of my religion. I got mad and told him all the secrets I knew about the women of his religion, and we had a loud argument, yelling and everything (and I didn’t yell). I grabbed my things and I left, I left him everything, house, car, business.
    Freedom does not have a price.

    At 2 years old I met my current husband and I have been happily married for 16 years, with 2 houses and a profitable business.
    My ex is married and with a child, according to my mother and sister, he is happy, and sometimes he wishes me a happy birthday.

  2. So many lol

    Cheating, being abusive, refusing to literally do anything around the house ever, barely helping with the kids. Literally never wanting to spend time with me. We didn’t celebrate our anniversary, birthdays or holidays. Just a lot of things lol

  3. He couldn’t keep stable mental health. He lost his jobs,couldn’t function, I took him to tons and tons of doctors and mental health facilities. He’s finally good but the strain of constantly doing everything 100% of the time was to much and I lost all attraction. We are still good friends but I have zero regrets. I feel like I can finally breathe.

  4. There’s a lot of dramatic comments here, but my marriage didn’t end so dramatically. We were just very different people who continued to get more and more different as the marriage advanced, and our final year was very hard. We didn’t communicate much, and the times we did were awkward, stilted. We’d both asked for a divorced throughout the marriage in the hard time. I had been wanting a divorce for a long time.

    We were in the middle of a very long fight about a very small issue. I don’t even remember what it was, but it just kept escalating and getting worse. Finally we paused. My ex said, “marriage is supposed to be hard, but it shouldn’t be THIS hard. We should divorce.” I said, “yes. We should.” We started calling attorneys the next day and were divorced a few weeks later.

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