What makes a man maintain dominance?

  1. “Male dominance” is a form of insecurity. Get over it and strive for equality.

  2. We talking straight dominance or healthy dominance?

    Cause on one hand it is the natural law of might makes right but on the other is that wisdom leads from trouble.

    What we truly need is a mix of both. Those who can destroy their enemies but know when to avoid conflict and aim for peace.

    Peace isn’t always an outcome but violence should always be the last choice.

  3. Im not sure i understand the question, you gotta give context, i can imagine three very différent type of dominance for now.

  4. By not giving a shit about dominance by instead focusing what solution is the best for the task. You achieve dominance by achieving mastery in a skill or talent over time and then demonstrate it in front of others in a manner that is both respectful and constructive.

    Dog barking gets nowhere fast.

  5. I think what you’re looking for here bud is command presence. Proper posture, situational awareness, clear concise direct speech, and more.

  6. Be an alpha male; very good at what you do, be good at everything, never flaunt your abilities because they will speak for themselves; in other words, you never say anything like, ‘I’ve got a real good brain, I’m a very stable genius’. you let your actions be your advertisements. You don’t challenge others, but don’t back down unless it’s wisest to do so, such as letting the drunken jock say whatever he wants, even buy HIM a drink to avoid a fight. Smart people will understand what you’re doing. Buy low, sell high. THINK before speaking; stupid people don’t. Know what you don’t know; the smartest people do. Look classy, not trendy.

    So much more.

  7. A man maintains dominance because he needs to. A lot of women wont accept any less. Yes a woman finds that she gets with dominant men, but keeps breaking up then she’s probably not being submissive enough. She’s not giving him enough time to recharge

  8. Maintaining dominance is bullshit. You are or are not dominant. This changes with time, scenario, situation, who you are with and a thousand other criteria.

    Rephrase as competent. If you are more competent at something then take the lead and dominate if necessary. If you lack competence at something then let the more competent lead.

    The reality is most of life is a changing grey area between the two extremes.

    Example, I am good at coding and will often lead in programming situations. Also, I know plenty of guys who are vastly superior to me in coding and I would never try to dominate or lead them.

    Similar in relationships, both partners have their own strong competent dominant leading areas.

  9. A good slap… on the butt, the face, and sometimes the back… depends on the situation.

  10. confidence in himself. take up martial arts. After getting punched in the face 100s times. someone shouting doesn’t do much…

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