And how many? Would you have a whole zoo or just a herd of specific animals?

  1. Two dogs: a pomeranian, which is the cutest fucking animal on the planet, and a small poodle or malteser or mix of both, as they are shared runner-up to cutest fucking animal on the planet.

  2. More goats, more goats, more goats. I looooove goats. More horses. A few snakes.

    Oh!! Ferrets. Yessss

  3. If space and money aren’t an issue, I don’t think it’s so much “what” pet, but “how many” haha

  4. Farm animals!! My mum’s friend has pigs and alpacas she keeps in a feild she owns and theyre sooo cuteeee!!

  5. I’d have kept one of Gully’s kittens. The other was definitely a one-pet family kind of calico, but Nyquil could have stayed.

  6. I would get an enormous aviary and fill it with trees and birds and flowers and spend all day in there.

  7. 8 cats, 4 dogs, 2 chinchillas, 2 horses, a snake, a leopard gecko and a Fox obvs with a large garden for it to play in. I love animals so much!

    ETA: the cats and dogs would all be from rescue shelters, adopt don’t shop 🙂

  8. Would love me an alpaca farm with people to take care of them. I’ll be petting them and knitting with their yarn

  9. If space and providing the proper environments weren’t an issue then I’d love penguins, otters, pandas, sugar gliders, hedgehogs, foxes, alpacas…Honestly there aren’t many animals that I would say no to though.

  10. I would love some ducks. They are just super cool and have really distinct, awesome personalities. But I’d need a pond, which I don’t have. And I’d love a possum. They’re awesome and cute in their own way, but pretty sure they’d prefer to not be pets.

  11. 2 Great Danes, 2 frenchies, and 4 German shepherds. And a golden retriever of course.

  12. I would have a cuckatoo and I would talk to it all day and buy toys for it and pamper it.

  13. I’d have a herd of capybaras. Probably some chickens and goats too, since I’d already have the land and whatnot.

  14. Big cats, and a wolf (or several). I would also have bunnies. Edit to add ravens…

    I will be the weird witchy lady with a raven always by her side.

  15. I have a lot of pets. The only one I really want but can’t have are emus. I love them but they can be pretty aggressive.

  16. A capybara, a savannah cat, a caracel, a serval, a crocodile, a Tibetan mastiff and a St dane

  17. I want a small farm. I want two horses (one has to be an Ardennes horse) two dogs (SO gets his corgi, I want my dachshund), chickens, maybe a cow. Probably a few pigs as well. And I guess I’ll keep my two cats that I already have.

  18. Chickens, chinchillas, tropical fish and a leopard gecko.

    Within the next couple of years I’m going to adopt the chinchillas, and in the meantime I plan to get the fish and MAYBE eventually a gecko to go in my office. One day. The only thing I can’t get are the chickens, which is disappointing. 😋

  19. A giant tortoise. Nothing brings me more happiness than my horsfield mooching around the garden on a summers day so just imagine how joyful I’d feel with a massive one roaming about eating dandelions.

    My son is 10 and desperate for an axolotl.

    My daughter who is 8 would have a horse or a koala.

  20. All of the pets. Rabbits, pigs, alpacas, horses, cats, and a house full of dogs. I’d settle just for a house full of dogs though. I have 2 and while it’s a ton of work, I love the company

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