In MyCountry we play this sport called Move The Goalposts. Here are the rules:

-P1 starts with a prompt (e.g. America has no culture)

-P2 must argue against the claim

-When P2 provides examples, P1 says “That doesn’t count.”

  1. Yes, but we do this with each other and our own, internal political disagreements. We usually don’t play this with other countries.

  2. We do, but we play it a little differently.

    What you do, is you drive to a local high school, you chain their goalposts to your truck, and you just drag those fuckers down the highway, over to a rival school. Then you cement them right in the middle of that football field.

    You are then awarded ten points, where every point must be redeemed for a shot of liquor.

  3. No, but it seems like an interesting rhetorical exercise. Having to think of arguments on the spot for random issues. What country does this?

  4. Yeah, except here, instead of saying “That doesn’t count”, we like to say “why do you always resort to whataboutism” or “stop gaslighting me”, even though no one seems to accurately be able to assess either of those terms onto any given situation.

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