We are not in a relationship and just casually have sex sometimes.

Im going straight to the point. When we have sex, he moans or sometimes bites his lip and says I feel so good, he pumps harder when I cum on him. He touches me a lot and I feel him get harder inside me when he does that. He does the same thing when I go down on him. I see him liking it but how do I know if he is just faking it?

I am not confident with my body, im on the heavier side and im not pretty as well. I know men like sexy pretty ladies so I feel insecure after we have sex and this makes me wonder if he really likes it or just faking it.


  1. Everything you have put in your second paragraph, his reactions, are all things you can look at to see if he is liking it. It sounds to me from what you have said that he is really enjoying it and you have nothing to worry about. Beauty is subjective, what one man sees as beauty might not be the same as the next man. For example Beyonce and Emma Watson are considered some of the most beautiful women in the world by societal standards but in my opinion they aren’t anywhere as near as beautiful as my wife and your friend may and probably does find you very beautiful. I don’t think you have anything to worry about at all. Hope this helps you accept things the way they are.

  2. There are plenty of men who like women who are on the heavier side. I understand how hard insecurity can be, I used to struggle with it too. But from the sounds of things he genuinely likes your body

  3. What i will say is 9/10 times a guy really can’t fake what you are describing, or it would be akin to porn acting, so if it isn’t so obvious that it’s comical then I’d say you are doing a great job and to keep up the good work

  4. If you are not in a relationship, and only having casual sex, what would he gain by faking it? I doubt he would continue to have sex with someone if he didn’t enjoy it, especially without the emotional attachment of a relationship tying him down. It sounds like he enjoys it, sometimes men just aren’t as obvious at showing it as women!

    Also, you have NOTHING to worry about when it comes to your weight or how “pretty” you are. There are SO many men who like and even prefer a woman who is bigger. And as far as not thinking you’re pretty, I once heard someone say, “You may think you’re ugly, but your genetics mean that people have loved people with your face for generations” and I think it’s a nice thought 🧡

  5. We can’t really fake it. If my girlfriend does something I don’t enjoy, there’s a 90% chance I’ll get soft regardless of what I’m saying

  6. Also, I wouldn’t worry to much about any of that stuff. I don’t want to speak for all men but most don’t give a shit about that freckle or mole or whatever when they’re having sex or about to. I think all the physiological indicators that you mentioned can’t be faked. He likes it, stop worrying and have fun!

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