Why do Americans choose to build everything out of wooden toothpicks and plastic? On Reddit, I see pictures and videos of houses that crumble away from the slight breeze of a tornado. Why do you all live in things that can fall apart at any minute?

In MyCountry, all houses are made from the superior brick and concrete, much sturdier materials. I don’t live in constant fear of a breeze knocking over my house made of better materials.

  1. Because the wolf blew over all of our straw houses. If the wood frames don’t hold up we may try these bricks you speak of.

  2. 1. Tornados are not a slight breeze. They are fully capable of knocking down brick houses. [Exhibit A](https://twitter.com/claytravis/status/1469684329852948486?s=21&t=5s4TkljaUt7Yhz5mxEljhg)

    2. They’re cheaper to build and work just fine. They’re also much easier to insulate, which is important for how cold it gets.

    3. Not sure how you can have this much of a pretentious attitude about Tornados. They’re incredibly dangerous and kill people every year.


    Just realized OP is from Wisconsin and that they’re just a troll

  3. Because fuck the ents. Isengard ain’t done shit when they came and wrecked the place.

  4. George Washington cut down a cherry tree, and ever since we’ve been in a holy way against treedom

  5. We do a lot of television and movie filming in the U.S., and most television and movies feature the classic American tradition of someone angrily punching through a wall. Making our houses out of wood is necessary to allow those scenes to be filmed and to maintain our media supremacy.

  6. Because you don’t understand physics. Wooden houses have more give to them and can stand up better to winds and weather.

  7. The true answer is that Americans have perfected the ability to fly and have been hiding it for generations. We yearn for the day our hollow boned houses can be returned to our rightful home in the clouds.

  8. this is like the 4th troll post in a row today, are these all sockpuppet accounts of the same idiot

  9. Nice try. I see that your country is Wisconsin. I have it in good authority that your houses are made of cheese, not brick.

  10. We like our houses organic. Plant a few trees, force them to grow a specific way, and once every thing is just right murder the trees.

  11. Seriously, it’s like Americans have never even heard of The Three Little Pigs. Aren’t they scared of wolves huffing and puffing and blowing down their houses??

  12. When European settlement began in the 1600s much of what is now the US was covered in Old Growth Forest. In contrast, much of Europe had already been cleared for farmland. Colonial New England used to export timber to Great Britain. So with so much building material at hand, the custom of building with was set, and is still common for single family homes. Although today, New England mostly imports wood from Canada.

  13. In my area it’s because we don’t have tornadoes/hurricanes. We have earthquakes.

  14. Wood is extremely strong and lite. It’s made out of carbon.

    It is also much more environmentally friendly then concrete.

  15. It makes insurance fraud 10,000% easier. Try burning down a house made of steel.

  16. What’s with all the “MyCountry” posts. The first one was funny…not so much anymore.

  17. Im an architect. And because im an architect, this infuriating meme vomit Germans spout makes me reflexively despise them everytime they bring it up. Pig headed arrogant pricks.

    The Japanese and Scadiwegians build with wood, but noooooo Americans are always, as per fucking usual, singled out.

    I want an earthquake to hit Germany. Not even a big one. Just a mild roller. A high 6 pointer like Northridge or Sylmar. Get that Northern European plain jiggling like sexy liqifaction jello. Let Mother Earth shake her fat twerking ass.

    Just enough to flatten every brick and masonry building north of Munich, west of the Oder and east of the Rhine. And then I can be smug for once and say California would have never had such property damage or loss of life in such a mild quake. Silly stupid Germans! They shouldn’t have built with masonry!

    Just a little quake and the annihilation of the Northern European plain. Its really not that big of a ask if you think about it.

  18. To mitigate hand injuries of Kyles who like punching walls. Drywall is more forgiving than stone or concrete. Our healthcare costs are high enough.

  19. Because a long time ago, fire departments were run by insurance companies. If you didn’t pay up, you weren’t saved.

  20. It’s cheaper and faster and very durable if your workers know what they are doing. It also makes a good play place for kids while construction is underway and if you never went in one than your childhood sucked. We also do have alot of brick buildings with fake wood sidings.

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