I’m dropping in with the 501st legion on Geonosis or riding headlong in the battle of Pelennor fields.

  1. Why would I intentionally want to roll the dice on being killed or fucked up for something with a predetermined outcome?

    The only people who think fighting a war is fun are people who’ve never been in the military. I mean playing with the toys is fun initially, dealing with all the bullshit and knowing you can be killed at any moment is not.

  2. War is the scourge of humanity. As William T. Sherman remarked, *”War is cruelty – and you cannot refine it.*” He of all people would know.

  3. Agincourt as an English longbowman. Wax a shit ton of french noble’s as they try to cross a field of mud. Then once I’ve used all my arrows go an put a beat down on the unlucky few to make it to our lines.

  4. I’d like to fly a gunstar from The Last Starfighter or drive a light cycle from Tron

  5. Why tf would I want to fight in a battle? I’m not homicidal or an edgelord so there’s nothing in it for me

  6. That pillow fight between a group of hot naked ladies I saw at the beginning of a porn video a few weeks ago I guess.

    There is no way in hell I would want to be a part of any battle where people are trying to kill each other. I’m neither suicidal nor idiotic.

  7. When you’re rolling up on Geonosis and realize none of the main characters are in your gunship

  8. If I was transformed into a Saiyan, I would be happy to join in most Dragon Ball Z fights.

  9. I’d stand with my Blood Angel brothers on devastation of Baal.

    Or in any Gundam Anime.

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