For example I have a friend who likes to dip cheetos in pickle juice

  1. Peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches. One of my grandpa’s introduced these to me when I was a kid, been eating them ever since.

  2. Peanut butter and banana toast is one of my favorite breakfast options. My girlfriend thinks I’m crazy.

  3. I might not eat these as often as when I was a kid but my mom introduced me to peanut butter and potato chip and peanut butter and onion (sliced really thin) sandwiches.

  4. Night snack – milk mixed with water. It has a lot of advantages as a night snack, and I actually like the taste

  5. Well done steak that’s cooked in mushroom sauce. I keep getting told it’s a crime against steak to have anything above medium rare. But really giving the meat time to soak in the mushroom sauce and the sauce to absorb the juices enhances the flavor. Besides, it’s not like I’m forcing other people to like it. I prefer we’ll done beef.

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