I tried both and I am eager to discuss my opinion that offline dating is far more efficient in the long-term than online dating.

Disclamer: just to make it clear, at the end of the day, it all depends on the personality/quality of yourself and the person you date. And it’s not s research paper. Just a simple thought to share.

Anyway, imo dating apps were/are/will be treated as fillers or games people play when they are bored. Don’t expect and think too much about it, because I’ve seen many people trying to rationalise every single detail or action. Lets be honest, online dating seems easy and effortless, but its low risk low reward option, except you are highly attractive/successful.

Imagine having a chocolate in the kitchen.

Online dating: 100 different chocs to chose whenever you want. Its always there, so your date can take time to be very selective, and if you are not in the top5 choice, you can wait for your turn months/lifetime.

Offline dating: 1-2 chocs, and your date feel pressured to answer you right here, right now. Obviously, date can change their mind after initial shock, but its still more intense than receiving a random like from a so-so guy. Just imagine what gives your more dopamine – instagram like or compliment from someone on the street?
Happy to discuss it further.

  1. People are too used to getting everything instantly.

    Are they hungry? Fast food restaurants! Do they want to watch a specific movie? Rent it online or watch it on Netflix! Want to buy something specific? Order it and get it the next day!

    Same goes with dating, they want to go online, find a partner, have a date and fall into an everlasting relationship within a week. But that’s not how life works.

    People should stay away from online dating and meet up with people the old fashioned way. It worked for their parents, their grandparents, and everyone before them.

  2. > and your date feel pressured to answer you right here

    What do you mean by that? I wouldn’t think there is much pressure to answer when you meet someone at a friend’s party for example.

  3. Could you share tips for starting over by starting to offline date?

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