I’m 18M. This was a while ago, but in the city I saw a guy who I thought was really attractive, but as usual I kept walking and didn’t think much of it.

I recently thought, would it be so bad if I struck up a conversation and walked with him? or is that like, creepy?

  1. In practice, it’s only creepy if they don’t find you attractive.

    Your young age certainly is an effective shield protecting you from that effect, though.

  2. People talk about this a lot, but the way things are right now, its probably best that you didn’t. It’s basically the universal human experience that someone thinks someone else is hot, they go up talk an generally make a fool out of them selves, 4 out of 5 times they say sorry not interested and you take the walk of shame 1 out of 5 times you get a date. It’s awkward but its such a universal experience people generally recognize it for what it is and won’t think twice if your respectful of their boundaries if they just don’t want to deal.

    However, while this experience is very well recognized and normal for people of different sexes, it is not well recognized for people of the same sex. People have talked about experiences of “gay panic” but (some) people REALLY don’t like it when someone of the same sex or who otherwise isn’t straight not only because its awkward but because its a threat to their masculinity or identity. In rare cases it can get violent. Link below on a good video explaining it a bit better


    And like look, for you and me and other gay or queer people, this sucks. But it is the unfortunate reality for a lot of people. And given how many people in the comments are quite encouraging gives me hope that this issue will soon be a thing of distant memory. But my advice is that unless you know or reasonable think based on context that the other person shares your orientation, not to pursue.

  3. Well most guys aren’t gay, so be prepared for a lot of rejections, but try if you want.

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