I’m 25 and have sensory issues that make clothing uncomfortable to wear except for a few oddly specific items – tank tops, gym shorts, overalls, sandals. Everything else, I feel like tearing off as soon as I no longer have to wear it.

I’m about to go on a first date with this guy and am wondering if I have to dress up for it. I understand the idea of putting your best foot forward, but I don’t want to be pretending I’m ok when I’m really super uncomfortable.

EDIT: the date involves dinner followed by a movie followed by stopping by the mall.

  1. It really depends on where you’re going for the date. Me personally, I like to wear tight clothing and lots of makeup because I want to look the absolute best i can but that may not be your thing and that’s okay. Just keep in mind that people do judge you based on how you look.

  2. I think a lot of people may consider this a turn off if it is not appropriate attire for the date. I’m not sure how much exploration you have done, but you might want to spend some time finding specific items that look nicer, but don’t affect your sensory issues. It may take time, but there might be options out there if you try to find them.

  3. These clothing items are definitely not it for a first date but I DEFINITELY understand hating textures of clothing ( ADHD representing). If you want to work with these, I’d recommend tank top with overalls And then of course the Sandals. If you can, maybe try something like Toms for shoes. Easy to slide on and off your feet while also looking very stylish.

  4. Yes, as long as you casually drop in messages before the date that this is what you’re wearing.

    Besides, I keep my dates casual by kinda suggesting “wear sneakers with denims” to give her the vibe I’m going for on the date. Which also works because I like to walk after dinner dates to get to know them.

    So go for it!

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