We’ve been together over 6 years no and recently engaged. Ever since engagement I feel like we’ve grown distant and getting into arguments more often. We usually have similar interests and hobbies ( mostly video games ). Our interests have become divided, which is fine it happens and couples should make time to be themselves. The problem is that she wants to do literally everything together and they have to be things she enjoys. Most of the time I suck it up because it makes her happy but it’s getting to be too much. Any time I suggest something that I want to do we end up getting into a fight. I try and compromise with basic things like “Well I’ll do what I want to do, and you do what you want to do, and then we can do something together afterward.” It ends up becoming an a huge thing like “you must not love me anymore” or “you’re not even trying to comfort me when I’m upset about this.” I just don’t know anymore I feel like I’m loosing myself and any time I try and communicate that to her she doesn’t want to hear it. I love her so much and I want to work out our issues but I really need advice, I feel so lost.

  1. To be honest I’ve literally been in your shoes…unfortunately it did not work out for me in the end, but what I think you can do to try to save your relationship is really have the conversation with her and ask her what she wants out of the relationship you’re both in. What does she expect from you? Even question yourself in thinking what you can do to be the best partner for her…or maybe find an activity you both can share and enjoy together…try something new

  2. Maybe she knows about your little escapades to phatass sub reddits, she sounds insecure and something would have to caused it if it’s something new

  3. Or try therapy. If she rejcts an impartial and professional view, then she really needs to be by herself.

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