What would you do if a girl has started ignoring you for no reason after being very close friends for almost a year ?

  1. Had this happen to me. I tried numerous times to reconnect, then dropped it as she clearly didn’t want to be friends anymore.

  2. After reaching out once to see if she’s ok and wants to talk, then accept that the friendship has changed. If she’s not interested in discussing the issue and has chosen to withdraw from the friendship, then I’ll respect her choice and move on.

  3. I thought this post was aimed at me LOL

    recently my friends decided to stop hanging out with me because I’m not cool ig. I dont smoke or drink plus I’m married with a baby. We were friends since like middle school.

    My husband and my 2 sisters are my only friends now. My older sister is 2 years older than me, but still lives with our parents (no judgement, if I didn’t have my husband I would too. Plus she’s only 22) my younger sister is 3 years younger (17) so sometimes I just unannounced go to my parents house and we go do some fun shit.

    My older sister also doesn’t smoke or drink so we really can have a to of fun together. My younger sister smokes marijuana, but she’s respectful enough to not do it around us or if she plans on being around us. I think that should honestly be a friend standard, if your friend doesn’t smoke or drink, don’t get/be drunk or high around them.

    Its kinda tough my school friends stopped talking to me but their loss ig. There’s just nothing I can do ab it.

  4. Try to reconnect, are they OK?


    If it’s apparent they’re just not making any effort, fuck ’em.

    I had close friendships for years who decided to just turn on me for no reason or stop answering my messages.


    If they ain’t making effort for me, I should find someone better. I’m worth more than that.

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