Hey guys, I have been in this dilemma for a while. You all have the right to call me a p***y, I took way too long.

To start everything off, she had very rough experiences with boys and relationships in general in the past.

The school year is coming to an end and I most likely will go to a different school than her (Well I can choose, I’m in the position that I have the ability to do so, but education is numero uno). Now, the thought of her rejecting me is almost gone from my head, I’m pretty sure she likes me but I don’t give a damn. What matters is that I care for her, I don’t want her to feel bad if we have to split up if the relationship doesn’t work cause of the different schools. I honestly don’t know what her reaction to a break up would be. Even if she doesn’t react to it, what was the point if we just get into a relationship and months later we break up, not because it didn’t work out, just because of an inability in contact.

I really want to hear y’alls opinions on this. Any advice/help is welcome, feel free to express yourself no matter what you feel, just stay inside the rules.

1 comment
  1. Never hurts to ask someone you like on a date. Just be realistic and understand if you are about to move away, it may be just a summer fling at best.

    As for her prior experiences and their effect on her dating, that is a bullshit excuse. Never make it again. The only person who can say she isn’t able to date because of her exes is her. Not you. Shoot your shot and let her make a decision.

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