Recently, I just met my online friend in real life. I’m going to be moving to a different state and decided to meet irl b4 i leave. We have had a decent friendship before this meetup, but we suddenly started getting closer before and after the meetup. Reddit, I need to know. Does this girl like me? Here is every reason why I think she does (keep in mind we are early teens so some things that sound normal are sorta rare LMAO):

\- Talked abt hugs and wanted hugs

\- We have stayed up until midnight a couple of times just talking to each other

\- She always tries to stand right next to me when we are walking, standing or sitting

\- She has sent me the sweetest messages I have ever received from anyone, ever.

\- She has put her arm around me a couple of times

\- She talks about how she is upset abt me leaving and thinks abt it a bunch even tho we only met like 2 times irl

\- She worked 3-4 hours trying to make me a farewell card – wrote “love you (platonically)” in her farewell card (Which i mean idk is that good??)


There are a bunch of more things, but I simple cannot tell between whether she thinks of me as a rly good friend or she actually likes me. To be fair we have similar mindsets and she might just be glad to have someone to talk to with the same mindset as her?? I don’t get what I should do. Should I just wait it out? Should I just not do anything? Should I ask her out rn even tho we’d have to long distance??

I’m already starting to fall for her, and she might be feeling the same. What should I do??




(Also sorry if this didn’t make sense/doesn’t belong here. I didn’t want to post this but my friend (

1. u/cytric_ quick shoutout 😉 )said I should so yeah)

  1. Hello mate,

    Imo, you should wait but not too long.
    “good things might come to those who wait, not to those who wait too late”

    Unfortunately if she went out of her way to write “platonically” on her card, it might not be good haha.

    However the way you are describing the relationship makes it feel like you have good synergy.

    Idk about the whole situation tbh so i cant judge.

    Just be yourself, cause that is the person she likes to hang out with, and try to flirt, telling her she is pretty and stuff. See if her reaction is great or not and act on it.

    However, and i repeat, dont wait too long. Most of the time progress doesnt come from passivity. One may you might regret not having tried anything.

  2. I was to lazy to read all that but I read the title if she likes you and you like her you should have hot sex with her mmmmmm

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