When I say alter, I mean *anything!:* height, weight, muscle, skin color, scales, fins, eyes… anything!

  1. Without commitment? I’d be a T. Rex and run away to South America.

  2. Functional wings, so I could fly. Ability to see colors, hear sounds and experience smells and tastes outside the human spectrum. Ability to breathe underwater and withstand high pressure so I could explore the oceans depths. Perfect regeneration, so I could be immortal.

  3. My skin is horrible, a warzone for skin conditions each vying for more space, so that’s what I’d change.

  4. I have aspergers and adhd. I would love to see what it is like to have a typical brain for a day.

  5. I want a six foot long penis with a foreskin large enough for my wife to wear it like an expensive fur.

  6. I’d want to try out the tattoo I’m thinking about for a day. It’s really the commitment I’m worried about lol. Tattoos last… A long time I’d say lol.

  7. My ears stick out a bit farther than I’d want. Sometimes I don’t think it is that bad, and other times (like after a fresh haircut) I think it looks like I’m trying to receive communications from outer space. If I was consistently upset about it, I’d probably get surgery.

  8. Add a 2 inches down below to get into the 9″ club…

    Too fucking bad it still won’t be used lmao

  9. All these damned pins and rods would go and I’d rebuild my knees. Can you like I dunno, unhappy me and get this damned shrapnel tattooing out of my back? While we’re doing tattoos can we just get rid of those? Some restoration, please. Thank you. Oh yeah and while we’re at it can we go back to 25. Great. Forget the lack of commitment, the gentlemen can wear this ensemble home.

    I’d literally just fix it all.

  10. Just a few pounds off my stomach and maybe less face fat. Then again, girls have liked me for my face before.

  11. Honestly just get rid of my stretch marks, I’m in amazing shape, lean, muscular, I probably have a body that a lot of men would kill for but I have stretch marks on my inner arms, chest and ass from gaining a lot of weight back in my teens and east 20s…now I’m like 8% bf and its the only major insecurity I have about my body

  12. I’d be 6’3″ with swimmers body, Henry Cavill’s face and a force user like Yoda.

  13. Giant penis. Just to know. Wait, can I go back to normal after knowing?

  14. If I could go back I’d do a week of a complete set of female anatomy and the flexibility of a decade of yoga studies.

    If I had to keep it for the rest of the life I’d do 2m tall, good eyesight and a magnum dick.

  15. I wouldn’t mind being the opposite sex for a while.

    That aside, I’d go for smaller things that would make a huge impact to me personally like making my heart, legs and pancreas work properly, assuming there’s the option to make it permanent.

    Fixing my oh’s spine would be the top priority though.

  16. 1. Bigger dick. Talking a cutoff Louisville slugger. Balls the size of avacados. Cervix Wrecker 9000.

    2. I wanna be short for a day. See how you all bear it.

    3. Be lying if I said I wouldn’t try being a woman for a day.

    4. Healthy Lungs! Between a bout of Pneumonia and some lingering COVID they’ve been through the gambit.

    Some people are making fantasy changes so.obviously include

    – Tentacles

    – Be a Mother Fucking Dragon

    – Turn into Mitch McConnell, rob several banks, announce myself as an proud pedophile and whip out my dick on national TV, then start doing the Turtle Man routine from Master of Disguise till they arrest me. Then disappear into the crowd.

  17. Wings, re-growing my foreskin,getting rid of my aspergers and seeing how normal people see the world, having healthy ankles+lower back or a face like Reyan Reynolds/Chris Hemsworth

  18. I’d become a cat girl. Make some fuckin BANK with Only Fans. Best part is I wouldn’t be recognized and “without commitment” suggests I could turn back into me and live a normal life after.

  19. I would like to remove all the working breeding parts of my body and turn them into petite aesthetic parts purely for my pleasure.

  20. I would like to have a strong, long and fully controllable tail, which i could then use as kind of a third arm. Or just as a seat.

  21. I’d be making myself invisible, flying, breathing underwater, make it so I didn’t need to eat or breathe or even sleep as much unless I wanted to. Give myself scales, claws, shelled exterior, extra appendage, change my size and shape as needed.

    If I had that ability I’d probably end up being a super villain/Anti Hero tbh. I wouldn’t do anything deranged, but I wouldn’t go looking for people to save either. And I’d definitely rob a few banks/rich people and just generally do whatever the hell I wanted.

  22. i want functional wings. like you can fly flapping those piece of shits. i sleep on my stomach, so that’s not a problem,

  23. Being taller. I’m okay with my height I can reach the top cabinet (Not in the back) literally what else do I need.

  24. A little bit taller, smaller nose, better skin and defs to have wings so that I can fly.

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