I (m) came across a woman here on Reddit, I messaged her and we exchanged pleasantries, and since then I’ve browsed her post history and I’ve caught more immediate and intense feelings than I have in years.

I’m fully aware she has zero obligation to me. So at this point I’m torn between trying to talk to her on the one hand vs blocking and trying to forget her on the other. Is there a third option?

I feel like an absolute creep, but that’s pretty normal for me.

What do

Edit: I’ve now read the sub rules and suspect this will be interpreted as AITA or offmychest content. Oh well.

  1. Hey, shoot your shot. I met my boyfriend f a year and a half on Reddit. We started long distance and I moved to be with him about a month and a half ago. Sometimes it works out. 🥰

  2. I used to be like this. I would say, whatever you decide to do, flee from doubt. Meaning have a single mind. Either you arent interested in knowing this person more or you are interested.

    Dont get caught up in this overthink whirlpool of “yeah i like her but I dont know if I would be a good fit but shes really nice but how would I even get to know her but I think we would have stuff in common but what happens if… etc etc..”

    Take a moment to reflect on you are conflicted about being able to express these thoughts, and probably other thoughts too, anonymously. It’s ok. We are just people falling through life. As long as we treat each other with dignity and respect, we all gotta cut each other and ourselves some slack.

    Just make a decision. Otherwise youll probably sit on the sidelines and develop intense bottled up feelings for her and when you finally try and talk about it, she might be interested in you but youre on 12 levels above her in intensity it would be difficult for yall to have any real connection OR she is not interested and you have to go through this “break up” that has no substance.

    Since it sounds like yall just started talking just find a hobby to discuss or discuss in further detail whatever post made yall dm in the first place. If one or a couple conversations go well: You find her and what she says very interesting and would like to get to know her better. Thats a good and reasonable thing to communicate. Just go for it.

    If you find someone attractive, its ok to want to be forward about wanting to spend time with that person. Then with more time seeing each other you both can figure out if you are actually a good fit for each other.

    Good luck.

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