So I keep running into this scenario where I will be newly talking to a guy and both of us are really enjoying conversation. I generally believe men should be doing most (not 100%) of initiating in the beginning stages so only really looking for responses from people who believe the same. At least 3 times, I have agreed to chat at a certain time since we both have busy schedules, but then when the time comes, I don’t hear anything. Then the next day like clockwork I always get some gaslighty response like “you forgot about me :(” and always blank out on how to respond. Any thoughts on how to respond to those texts?

  1. Maybe they misunderstood when you said to them you wanted to have a chat at a certain time they thought you would call them or something. If you really don’t want to initiate anything you could send them an emoji to tell them you’re ready to talk. Like 😘 or something similar.

    There’s a possibility that there are 3 posts out there saying the exact same thing you just said except it’s from a man’s perspective.

  2. Bruh if you believe men should initiate every time youre gonna miss out on a lot of good men and have a higher percentage of experiences with guys who have more confidence than they deserve. I initiated like well over half of stuff with the guy I’m dating now and it was def worth it because I knew I liked him but since he was shy to make the first move I got it done.

    He initiated the first date. We went on a gym date and it was nice but I wanted to get to know him more. So I said let’s get coffee after.

    Next day I tell him we should go to a drive in. He agrees and the only day that works is the very next day. And when I tell you I planned that night start to finish lmao.

    Back of a cleared out minivan with pillows and blankets- clear invitation to cuddle. Still had to grab his arm and put it around me. End of the movie i could tell he wasn’t already planning to kiss me so I just turned to him and asked him if he wanted to. And we did and more lol.

    All this is to say that expecting guys to make every move is dumb because if you know what you want and make it happen you are far more likely to be happy with the results. I know I am

    With this texting stuff it depends more, but generally it’s a lot easier to tell once you meet in person imo

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