How long did it take you to realise you regretted it?

  1. Kinda feels the the opposite approach, you regret it at first then meh shit happens

  2. Its never happened. Any time I broke up either I had a good reason or the other person had a good reason (or we both did). The passage of time has not changed that fact.

    I view it as a chapter closing and I need to be forward focused and look for someone else.

  3. I felt so liberated when I broke up. I missed amazing sex but part of that was due to an emotional rollercoaster.

    I regret maybe not staying friends with benefits but dont think would have worked. A pretty final breakup both of us out of order.

  4. He was my best friend. Kind left a hole in my life that other best friends haven’t been able to fill. No pun intended

    Meh it comes and goes.

  5. I had a brief moment of regret after I mailed the letter but then realized it was better to do it now than wait six weeks when we could have only a marginally more personal conversation over the phone. Didn’t want to spend my freshman year on FaceTime trying to keep a relationship on life support 🤷🏾‍♂️

  6. I regretted it after an abusive partner, it was a toxic cycle for sure, and I had to work through that.

    The most important thing is that we’re sometimes inflicting pain on ourself when we leave,
    – but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t the right decision.

  7. Because I still love her and feel like I’m losing my best friend.

    But logic ensues and I realized I was dating someone stuck with a teenage maturity and fuck dude I’m 31, your about to be 28, you should be focused on getting out of debt and taking care of yourself. My goals included getting my finances under control so we could take ont he house I bought together, she was more concerned with building a core raid team and furnishing an in game house because she couldn’t afford to furnish our real one working part time.

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