Let say your partner-to-be check all the boxes except you dont feel anything with this person. With or without them, you feel okay and it doesnt really change anything.

Would you still go and continue it?

  1. I’m not sure I’ve ever even felt a “spark” with a person—it’s too vague of a concept for me to be certain. So I might just spend my life alone if I were really hung up on being sure that I feel something that could be described as such with any prospective partners.

  2. I don’t frankly care. If I enjoy their company, they check the boxes and I’m attracted to them that’s plenty. I’m not particularly quick to love, I like to take things slow. If it’s been a while and I’m not feeling anything? Then maybe I’ll reconsider but early on? It don’t matter.

  3. If you aren’t obsessively thinking about them at 3am, they aren’t worth dating.

  4. No. That’s a person you call a friend. Friend. Do they have this concept in your homeland.

    Don’t try to cultivate barren fields, buddy.

  5. If I didn’t feel anything at all, I’d probably do a quick mental review to make sure I wasn’t in some kind of horrific depressive episode or anything else that would mute things.

  6. It’s not that important. A spark is like inspiration. It’s fun but fleeting. Values are what a relationship should be built upon. If we value the same things and hold the same principles true then I think we’d have the grounds for a long and fulfilling marriage. And people can learn to love each other. Maybe this focus on a “spark” is a problem.

  7. Honestly, maybe I am still a little too fresh off of my last relationship (been a year and some months) but I find it hard to feel a “spark” again maybe it’s me being Jaded or my defenses are way up to not get hurt to the degree I was last time. I want to say not very important as this will give me a clearer mind when I speak to women that I’m interested in rather than having that spark and completely missing other signs that could be serious.
    Who am I to say though I need to get dates so that I can reevaluate these thoughts I have on the “spark”

  8. Finding someone you have a spark with is rare. If its not there, it’s just sex.

  9. A “Spark” is just chemistry love is a seperate thing grown out of a connection or bond. A spark helps but is in no way necessary.

    Edit: if it’s been a while and you feel nothing there is nothing.

  10. Feeling something with that person is another box that needs to be ticked

  11. If he checks all the boxes you will feel a spark. If you don’t, you don’t know all your boxes.

  12. It’s not always about the spark, sometimes it’s the familiarity or being tired of staring over.

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