I need to express my thoughts:

The fear of being alone is, in human, an instinctive fear in the same way as the fear of spiders or snakes, because the exclusion of the group meant, in more ancient times, a rapid death of the individual.

Today, even if society allows the most marginalized to ensure their vital needs, loneliness is, IMO, responsible for the explosion of mental disorders in the West in recent decades: the rigid and traditional community landmarks, which previously allowed everybody to evolve within a protective framework (the family, the village, the homeland, the religion…), have been deconstructed to give way to an individualistic society, leaving millions of fragile people on the sidelines.

People don’t know what to do with their lives anymore, for the simple reason that they have forgotten that the meaning of life is, above all, to belong to a group, to adhere to its transcendental values and, ideally, to start a family in there. I have never met a single person without friends who was happy, social isolation is a horror. I even sincerely believe that disabled people forever unable to socialize (such as autistic people) should have the right to request assisted suicide.

  1. Life has no inherent meaning. It’s a blank canvas. Do whatever the fuck you want with it.

  2. I mean, sure, I agree to an extent. But don’t base your ability to be happy on other people.

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