Hi everyone

I’m new here so sorry if this is not an appropriate question here. Sorry that it is long but wanted to offer some background info.

I came out of what a psychologist has helped me see was a psychologically abusive relationship a couple of months ago. My ex (M30) was almost everything I wanted in a partner and when we met he did things so good. Did many sweet things. Very interested in every aspect of me and my life. Not too fast and not too slow and it felt so easy and like being in a fairytale/romantic movie haha. We had many good times and were close. Very slowly however he became quite controlling, mainly in terms of wanting to control/regulate my thoughts and feelings but with time also actions. He started to punish me when I didn’t oblige. There were verbal abuse, gaslighting, some sexual violence and he surveilled me. I am still seeing the psychologist and getting better

Two weeks ago I met a guy (M31) via a dating app. I did not intend to date but just wanted to see the status of single guys in my city to gain hope haha, as I had not been single in a couple of years. But he seemed so interesting, calm and kind, so I said yes to go on a date with him. The date went well. We talked about work, hobbies and family. He only touched me by hugging me hallo and goodbye. All good

My psychologist told me to look out for warning signs such as asking very personal questions early on and not accepting if I don’t want to talk about it. When I met my ex he pressured me (in a subtle way) to talk about some traumatic stuff that happened when I was younger. Even though I didn’t want to and told him no many times. He sensed something was up, I don’t know how. He supported me for a long time when I finally told him (about two months into knowing him) but eventually used it against me/to manipulate me

Now, I was on a third date yesterday with this new guy. On second date we went for a walk on the beach and talked. It was nice. He showed me some work projects he has been working on and we talked about random stuff and laughed. He seemed quite reserved/introverted/shy though and I did most of the questions/getting the conversation going. I am an introvert too, so I am not so used to that role but I can do it. When we were to say goodbye he kissed me. Not one kiss. Many. And quite intense. I am attracted to him so it was nice but also surprising. On the third date we went on a picnic in a park. We talked but mostly again about superficial stuff. He bought the food and drinks even though I offered to pay twice. After some time, he moved closer to me and started kissing me. He then calmly lay me down and kissed me more. Making out. He touched my waist, back and legs but not otherwise. Sometimes we stopped and lay on our backs and looked at the clouds and trees. He said close to nothing. I don’t know if he felt awkward or was comfortable with the silence. I felt a little awkward. When we walked away from the park I tried not filing the silence. He talked a little bit mostly about our surroundings. He seems quite normal/not awkward in any other way. When we were to say goodbye he kissed me a lot again. Almost like he couldn’t stop/get enough. Held me close and seemed frustrated that we were parting ways. We said goodbye a couple of times and he kept initiating kissing me more again and again. It was in a sweet and not sexual way. He kissed me on the forehead and held my head in his hands. It was nice but also confusing. I guess I let him do it because I do like him and did not want to reject him and maybe because it felt good to kiss someone that isn’t my ex… where there were not a backstory of pain mixed with love. He texted me after asking if I saw the beautiful sunset on my way home

But what on earth is up? Part of me is like does he even like me for more than my lips/body when he does not ask many personal questions to get to know me on a deeper level? Is he just shy? Is this normal pace to get to know someone and I was just used to a man who basically wanted to invade my mind as early on as possible? Do this new guy just want sex? Is he starved for affection? Is he craving to just have a girlfriend? I am aware that others move quicker and have sex on the third date for example, but I guess am very confused by the slowness of conversational intimacy and the contrasting rather fast pace of making out. And that the making out is then quite innocent and sweet and not more sexual/sensual. I also realise that I am at a place were I don’t know the normal pace of getting to know someone when dating… so please help me. If you managed to read all of this – thanks! What do you think is up? Sorry if I seem naive/clueless

TL;DR! New guy I am seeing is moving rather fast in terms of kissing/making out compared to conversational intimacy/depth. I am in doubt what is normal as I have been in a relationship where my ex asked many personal questions early on (and I have been told that can be a warning sign)

Edit: gramma

  1. What are your conversations like over messages/phone? Are they flirty or sexual? Does he *feel* pushy to you?

    None of what I’m reading is inherently red flag territory for me *yet*. It could be that you are not long out of an abusive relationship and you obviously don’t know his past as you’re both a bit older so could be painful history on both sides that make you both feel a bit shy or awkward. I know when I’m in ‘dating mode’ I either clam up and talk about incredibly superficial things or I overshare massively. Part of my anxiety with past trauma unfortunately.

    I don’t see him not asking personal deep questions this early on as a bad thing, it’s too early for that.

    When I left my abusive partner, I jumped into a relationship incredibly quickly really but I did already know him, but going from being friends to potential partners shifted the atmosphere so dramatically we both ended up like nervous teenagers blabbering on, not knowing when or what to do when it came to being physical. He knew of my past and was very intune with me. He did kiss me first and after that we did kiss, a lot. But he was not pushy and things progressed naturally.

    If you like this dude, take your time, if he likes you, he’ll take his time. Try not to overthink (I know it’s hard) go out on many more dates in public places and establish something with him in a safe environment. Initiate conversations that you feel comfortable with.

    If you feel the kissing or touching is too much, tell him when you feel safe to do so, over text etc. Don’t force yourself to feel like you should enjoy something if you don’t. If you do, then great!

  2. Hallo! I don’t really see the problem here. If you don’t like being kiss, let him know. If you want to go on a deeper conversation, start one and ask him “is it ok if I ask about this personal question?”

  3. Maybe start having some phone conversations with the guy and take kissing out of the equation (not that the kissing is bad). Maybe he’s just extremely shy and isn’t good at conversations. I was like this when I was younger, and I often just don’t have anything to say – though on a date I would try to get to know the person.

    So, talking on the phone will, of course, be a conversation, and maybe he’ll be more at ease.

    Lastly – ask him questions about what he’s thinking or feeling, and make your wants/needs known to him. This is maybe a bit trickier early on in relationships, but just be yourself and try to find out why he’s so quiet. You could straight up ask him why he’s so quiet. Shy people usually don’t mind saying that they’re shy.

    Good luck!

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