What age should a child have a phone and access to private internet, why?

  1. Phone for emergency use nothing fancy, around middle school. Same for internet with parental controls till high-school.

  2. 12 for both, I personally don’t think kids need any access to mobile phones. But 12 is probably a good age as it becomes actually useful for them in terms of going to high-school

  3. not an age thing, maturity and proper training, if your 8 year old has proven to be unusually trustworthy and responsible, then teaching him the basics to prime him could prove useful, whereas if you just decide *13* because why not, without any real reinforcement of expectations and usage, then youll just get a brat who does whatever with their phone

    similar with internet, it really hinges on being a present parent until your kid proves themselves trustworthy, adult locks can also be used to better effect than simply *ban porn site* these days, so you can set certain limitations to test the waters and gauge whether they can be trusted or not

  4. It really depends.

    Before, I’d say 16 years old or so, but now…I feel it’s more about when they’re at a point I feel they actually need it (for emergencies and friendships I guess) but also at a point they’ve shown they’d be responsible with it. Because, honestly, they don’t really need one most of the time. I didn’t have one growing up and the worst thing about it was simply not being part of that “crowd” and not being able to stay as in touch with friends as some may like. Common sense would entirely negate the “emergencies” argument too, so…depends.

  5. Phone: As soon as they become somewhat independent. (Able to go and do things alone, like walk to school or buy groceries.)

    Internet: High school.

  6. I live in the UK so am looking at it from that perspective. It may be different in other countries…

    For just a phone, I’d say 11/12 – essentially, once they are.in secondary school. They need to be able to contact a parent in an emergency. Also, it gives them another point of contact for their friends on weekends or after school (until it is taken from them so they don’t spend every second on it)

    For private Internet, 16. I am basing this on you are allowed to buy a lottery ticket and have sex at 16 in the UK, so you may as well have a data plan too. Before that, use the WiFi.

  7. My daughter is a primary school teacher. When I hear her, it looks like most kids have a smartphone by the time they are ten or so.

    To be honest, that sounds quite early to me (but I think her school is quite average).

  8. An internet-free phone at around 10 or 11.

    Private internet, around 16.

    I’m also a firm believer in no computers in bedrooms before 16 too. Internet should be accessible for kids in public rooms in the house only.

  9. My kids had phones at around 12-13, I stopped checking their phones at around 14-15, I taught them what I needed to teach them, it’s up to them now.

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