Whenever I finger my girlfriend she starts giggling and laughing periodically while I’m doing it. She says it’s a natural reaction and that the reason it happens is probably because she enjoys it, but it’s kinda killing my self esteem over here. Is that a common response?

Btw she and I haven’t gone further than oral, we haven’t done intercourse yet

  1. Okay, she giggles. She says she enjoys it. That sounds like a joyful non-problem.

    People giggle… enjoy it.

  2. I’m going to guess that she’s just nervous and feeling awkward but you can always bring it up and ask her. It’s most likely nerves though.

  3. That’s my go to when I get nervous try not to overthink it she’s verbally confirming that it’s just a natural reaction to what’s happening because she likes

  4. We talked about laughing during sex with friend just yesterday evening. I don’t understand how some people can see it negatively, when you laugh you are relaxed and happy.

    If she tells you she enjoys it, then trust what she says. For me it’s after orgasm, I’m almost always laughing my head off. I can’t help it and don’t want to restrain myself. My body and my brain have been through some intense feelings, and if I have to evacuate some more, I’d rather laugh than cry

  5. It might be that she’s slightly ticklish? I get ticklish with so many random things, from having my teeth cleaned to putting make-up on and, yes, even some sexual acts!

  6. I wouldn’t be too concerned. She sounds like she’s into you

    However if the next time you get undressed she laughs that could be a concern .

  7. I can def see how it might bother you. I would hate to think I’m being mocked when I’m naked and trying to pleasure someone. I can’t say I’ve ever encountered this before.

    But, if you guys have done this on numerous occasions and this is her reaction, I guess it just is what it is.

    I would tell her how I felt before we banged though. If that’s gonna be your first time and she laughs…..IDK….I think that would seriously mess with my head.

  8. Do you smile and laugh when you watch your favorite tv show? Do you smile when you finally get to eat your favorite food? Laughing doesn’t mean she doesn’t like it, laughing means she is enjoying herself. Let yourself be silly and have fun, it doesn’t have to be so serious.

  9. Yes! For my Fiancé, there’s a thin line between being horny and ticklish / really happy. Her body often gets confused between the two – I love it. She says it makes her happy regardless

  10. Gotta believe her when she says she likes it. Get over your own negative thoughts

  11. Sometimes we laugh when things feel good. It’s joy, or catharsis, or w/e reason. Being able to laugh together while intimate is lovely, and honestly I’ve of the best things about physical intimacy, IMHO. Don’t stress about it!

  12. I can see why it would bother you if you’re a bit insecure but in actuality, you’re fine. Giggling is a positive response, it’s a sensitive area so she might be ticklish or she might be excited. I can’t imagine anyone, man or woman, getting a bad hand job and giggling about it.

  13. I’ve had this happen before. When my husband had me close to my first G-spot orgasm via fingering (but I pushed and screwed it all up), I had the same reaction… I was laughing hysterically, crying, punching the bed and his leg, like my brain went haywire. I think it’s an just reaction to the intensity, not an insult.

  14. I do that too lol. The better it feels, the more I giggle. It’s a mix of the pleasure and intense relaxation!

  15. I think she maybe shy and embarrassed, her confidence will grow 😘

  16. i giggle too, its a natural response for some people. sometimes the partner looks cute too, so therefore giggles happen. dont stress about it, im sure she enjoys it

  17. does she start giggling after you’ve been sling it for a while? have you already made her orgasm a few times before she starts laughing? cause after I’ve climaxed a few times and my partner keeps going, I start giggling as well because it’s just super intense

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