I need help. Seriously my social skills are not so good. I’ve a friend at school that I hang out with during lunch break (cause we are not in the same class). We get along and so on but recently for Two weeks ago I send this person a snap of my face and the person sends one back and since then we have been doing that. As the title says, I don’t know what to do. We haven’t texted at all during this time. The reason I started to send snap pics is because I have seen other people do it, but I don’t understand the point with it. I just wanted to be friendly and I’m now scared this person finds me annoying or thinks this is wierd (For the record, we have not met at school during this past two weeks because of the summer holiday). Should I continue send snap pics or stop? Or something else? I don’t want to seem wierd. Need help ASAP lol

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