I (m22) had just graduated college. It was a place where I’ve met many girls but a place where I got rejected every single time. Now I’m working a full time job. In my town, it’s literally impossible to meet women. Especially my age. There are no bars, no clubs, no activities, no parks, nothing. It’s dead here. I could drive to places (almost all over an hour away) to meet women but of course I can’t drive back if I take a drink. My career depends on it. And so now I don’t know what to do. It seems like women in my town are too old for me or too young. And if they are my age, they typically have trashy personalities or are sometimes even drug addicts or have kids already. Obviously goes against my preferences. So to break it down, I need some advice, here’s why:

– I can’t go out for a drink because I don’t have a ride back home. I refuse to drive even if I would only have one beer.

– There are no women in my area that are my age with my basic preferences listed above.

– There are absolutely no avenues to meet women in my town.

– I’m in the military and dating women in your unit is not allowed. That’s fraternization. Since I’m an officer it’s much worse.

– Even though I work out and I’m pretty fit especially with my military lifestyle, I still don’t think women find me attractive because of my height (5’7) so I’m constantly getting friendzoned like I did in college.

Any and all advice is appreciated.

1 comment
  1. I may be in the minority here, but if you really want a successful dating life you have to think about relocating to where younger single people congregate. Downtown in any big city will do. You have to decide what’s more important, your career or your dating life. If you refuse to relocate, then you’re gonna have to suck it up for a few years until you’re more financially stable and able to relocate. That’s really your only option here

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