I was just wondering why men become gynecologists. Is it because you are interesting in how the women reproductive system works or what are the reasons???

  1. It’s not sexual I’ll tell you that. Also remember a gyno doesn’t ONLY focus on the vagina that’s just part of their job. They just happen to be good at it.

  2. What do a gynecologist and a pizza boy have in common?

    They can both smell it, but they cant taste it!

  3. My best friend is an OBGYN, she’s female but I remember when she was choosing her specialization, and her reasons were never anything a man couldn’t also be interested in.

    It was because it has cool variety, like you’re doing women’s health but also fetal health, it’s also a surgical specialty, and there are just lots of cool interesting things about it. None of her reasons were “well I have a uterus and I love knowing how my own uterus works”.

  4. My second child had a male OBGYN do the delivery. The amount that I cared whether or not it was a man or woman making sure my wife and daughter went through the birthing process safely was exactly zero. I think all doctors get into the business because they want to help people. And honestly, the process of bringing new people into this world is so amazing, I can see why anyone would get a high level of satisfaction from it.

  5. I imagine there’s a subset of people who are fascinated by human physiology attracted to medical practice who would prefer to specialize in bringing new people into the world instead of being so focused on disease and broken things. It’s one of the most emotionally positive medical practices. And reproduction is absolutely amazing.

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