As I wait my turn at the automated tills at the neighbourhood Sainsbury’s local I notice a pretty regular pattern of behaviour: walk up with an item or two, scan them, turn around to grab a “bag for life” that’s hanging near the supposed-to-be-attended-but-never-are tills, put stuff in bag, cheerfully answer “None” when asked how many bags they used and off they go.

Why do so many (I notice this almost every time I shop) people find this to be acceptable behaviour?

Edit: thanks to everyone who pointed out that I omitted to mention that they didn’t scan the bag either.

  1. Dunno, but I have noticed the term “bag for life” is no longer honoured by many supermarkets (the name referred to them being replaced for free once they break!). Also the lack of 10p bags in many places or 10p bags being overcharged.

    Hands up, I did this in co-op yesterday, but then again I had to wait ages for someone to approve age restricted items because they were off chatting at a till so I’m calling my “free bag” a charge for my time wasted waiting

  2. Because they like the thrill of theft but don’t want to risk of actually stealing something. I always being a bag with me because I’m prepared, I also wear double trousers to make shoplifting easier. And I know the most expensive and smallest items in each shop

  3. At Sainsburys you have to scan the bag if you put it on the scale thing other wise it gives an alert thing, and someone has to come over. if you then click “1”, it will charge you again, so you will pay for two bags.

  4. You sure they are stealing them?

    If I have to get a bag when I’m using self checkout I’ll scan the barcode on the bag as I go then answer no to avoid paying twice.

  5. No, but to be fair I’m not the bag police and don’t watch what buttons people press on tills.

  6. You press yes only if you are using single use bags. If using bag for life you scan the barcode on the bag to pay for it and then answer no when prompted.

  7. I noticed that bags for life at my local tesco have tags on them that will set the alarm off if left on

  8. Why do you care? People are skint let them save 15p at the cost of a giant supermarket ffs.

  9. How are you standing close enough to people to see if they choose ‘none’ or not?

  10. My local Asda now has one of the people watching over the self service with bags in hand and you have to ask them for bags and they will scan it for you. I feel sorry for Asda must be really struggling.

  11. I noticed it happen yesterday when I did it.

    The person you saw might have scanned the bag though, and that’s why they correctly answered ‘none’.

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