Should it match or exceed yours? What’s a low you’d accept?

Example : after living with multiple women, there was only one who would leave period blood on the toilet seat. I know some of you gas station hot dog parking lot eating motha fuckas leave a shit spray on the toilet though. Both is just nasty to me and I ain’t with it. Wipe that shit up.

  1. Very important and I think I’m a pretty hygienic person so matching mine would be nice.

  2. It should match mine at least.

    If she expects me to be clean and fresh, why would I expect otherwise?

  3. If they can’t keep a house as clean as mine, why would I want them in my home?

  4. Very very important. Nobody wants to be around someone who smells bad or has disgusting habits.

  5. very important. i take my personal hygiene seriously and i expect the woman to do the same. its more of a standard thing than a necessity, because i wouldnt expect her to put on
    deodorant after showering at night. sleeping next to someone who has deodorant on is worse than smelling body odour. unless her body odour is just completely unbearable, then i wouldnt be sleeping next to her in the first place

  6. Its just as important as my own. I mean.. If you expect me to licky-licky your private-issys, they better be funky-freshy.

  7. There is a base level of hygiene to qualify. If you don’t reach that: Cya. So I guess it is very important.

  8. Personal hygiene is very important. Not just for women, for everyone. Don’t have to scrub everything but ensuring your pits and bits are clean is key.

    Period blood on the toilet seat I can deal with. Accidents happen, pretty sure no woman is doing it on purpose and I appreciate that sometimes there are more pressing things to deal with.

    Not like my aim is perfect every time

    (And I happen to love those gas station hot dogs so thank you very much)🤣

  10. Had to leave a potential partners house last night. We were in bed, just chilling…she was lovely, but my God her breath or something else on her just smelled so bad.

  11. In a public toilet the person who is exiting the cubicle might not be the one responsible. Sometimes you go into a toilet then realize how disgusting it looks then leave and someone seeing you leave will assume it was you who left the mess when actually you didnt even use the toilet because it was too disgusting and I’m not going to wipe someone else’s toilet mess. Sometimes there is no toilet paper to clean the mess.

    Period blood could be an oversight or didn’t realize it leaked down the seat I would disregard it if it happened once or twice but if every month then I would say something. Men are terrible with pee spray all over the seat and floor and when they wipe it they dont even do it well enough 9/10 times they just smear the urine around because they dry wipe with a toilet sheet so it looks dry to the eye but the smell of pee on a hot day reeks.


    Some men like a stinky sweaty woman, some like fresh sweat scent. Most men prefer hygienic.

  12. Fairly.

    I’m not obsessive about it, I understand if you’ve been busy / you’re exhausted and you don’t want to shower that evening. But I’ve had partners who used to go 3-4 days before washing and I’ve got to admit it did bother me.

    Same goes for tasks around the house. I don’t like to live in a slum, and I put in the effort to keep things tidy. Life getting in the way of doing those tasks is fine, but if they never do it and I’m the only one tidying then it’d be a problem.

    Period blood, etc. in the toilet I’m less concerned by. Things happen, and I’m not particularly grossed out by that stuff. I’d just wipe it up and clean the surfaces.

  13. Its super important. I don’t wanna go go down on a fish market in 100 degree weather

  14. It should at the very minimum match. If you want to go above and beyond that’s all on you and I support that

  15. She should at least equal mine but I can excuse it being worse if she’s busier than me.

  16. I’m not squeamish, but I’m clean.

    If a lady is not inconsiderate I can tolerate a bit lower hygiene. If we’re together. If she’s willing to clean up after my mistakes, I’m willing to do the same.

  17. She gotta have a clean vagene, practice good hygiene, if she wanna be seen, workin upon the peen

  18. pretty important to me. I love sex and going down on them. so I want them be clean! So i can relax and enjoy!! really taste so good when the clean!! I don t like perfume or much make up.

  19. Hygiene should always be matched when it comes to bathroom stuff if you ask me 🤷🏻‍♂️

  20. Hygiene? Upmost importance. Dirty isn’t cute.

    Makeup, shaving, dressing up? Not all that important.

  21. top 3 of my requirements. I lived with many female roommates and gfs, I am defintely cleaner than all of them so far. They shed makeup, hair from lashes and head as they walk. Sleep in makeup because they were too lit (gross for skin) etc etc. Drives me nuts. I wouldn’t date any girl who did any of that.

  22. It should match AT THE BARE MINIMUM. That means showered, clean hair, deodorant+lotion, and maybe a spritz of perfume.

    If a woman stinks AT ALL in any way that doesn’t warrant a valid excuse (work) and then I’m completely turned off and that’s a no no

  23. Odd question. Hygiene should be important to everyone. A woman’s body tends to require a bit higher level of attention so I guess it should exceed mine?

  24. I expect my woman to have extremely good hygiene but I hold myself to the same standard.

  25. Honestly if he won’t fuck me on my period, to hell with him. Period sex feels the best.

    In all other regards I keep myself/my place clean and tidy.

  26. People are gross, gender doesn’t matter.

    If I live with someone, that at a MINIMUM have to match how neat I am. Which isn’t a high bar.

  27. I was heavy for a long time, like nearly 300lbs, 5’8”. I’m kinda nutty about personal hygiene, I feared I always smelled ( my partner says otherwise) but still. Personal hygiene is important to me. I work in a dirty hot environment, never go to bed without a shower. I’ve lost weight but still, but still hygiene is still a must for myself. For my partner it’s never been a problem.

  28. Considering I eat pussy like a starving mule eating an apple, I’m very upfront about what I do downstairs for her is only fair that she give the same courtesy.

    That’s as simple as it gets.


    Edit : for the younger folks, I was referring to shaving. Shave your pubes ladies. Shave your pubes gentlemen.

  29. That is nasty. But I would just wipe it up myself. After raising two boys, I guess I’m used to cleaning up messes that I didn’t make.

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