Long story short, I (19 F) have very sensitive skin, I’ve tried every method.
My follicles always get inflamed and ingrown.

So I have to just groom, and trim low.

Do most people genuinely care? Do they find it repulsive or not mind much?
Your own opinion?

I’m still virgin and terrified due to my issue :”)

  1. Eating an unshaved pussy is like licking a taffy that fell on the floor of a barber shop.

  2. Also please don’t give me advice for how to fix this issue, I genuinely promise I have tried every single method, every cream, every lotion, every machine, nothing works.
    I have a serious follicle issue…

    Just asking thoughts on if people truly care / would refuse to sleep with someone

  3. I prefer it, my wife trims and grooms same as you and I much prefer that to shaved.

  4. The short long story, I actually care.
    If it’s ONS or FWB thing and come out with hair, most likely I’ll not see her again unless it’s for a kink or some sort of degradation etc. agreement. However, if the girl is my significant other, I can shrug it off some time to time due to health issue. And, prefer to use positions where I can’t see it while having sex, otherwise it will distract my attention.

  5. I fucking love it but my wife cant grow it back because she lasered it! And its driving me insane!!!!
    The girl that did her the laser asked her are you certain because some men like it and now she regrets it hahaha!!

  6. I don’t shave. I groom a bit. Keeping it a little shorter just cause make it less messy during periods.

    I never had an issue with any guy saying no to sex. Sure I’ve been with dudes that prefer it to be clean shaven but then they just not suited for me.

    There are plenty of guys out there who dosn’t mind hair or even love hair. So don’t worry about it. And I bet if you tell em the issue you having they gonna be even more understanding and won’t even bring up if they have preference for shaven.

  7. If it’s trimmed short shouldn’t be an issue. Shaved is nice, but short is good too. Still easy access for eating or fucking.

  8. honestly I think as long as your labia majora is shaven / trimmed no man will care.
    I’ve never come across a man who shunned me for keeping hair. i keep it shaven+trimmed but I would never ever fully remove my pubic hair (it weirds me out men even prefer that but each to their own)

    i used to be super self conscious because I thought every man wanted a porn looking vagina but honestly as I said before no man should really care. people have preferences, as woman might have preferences for dick size but when it comes to it no one cares

  9. Trimmed is perfectly fine with me and is what my wife does 85% of the time.

    Here’s the thing. Women shaving their public hair has nothing to do with equal rights, or being natural, or misogyny, or looking young, or anything.

    Seriously. It does not. I just don’t want pubes in my teeth, throat, and nose.

    Neither does my wife, so I shave as well.

    I will never understand why shaving (or trimming) is so controversial.

    If you don’t want to shave. Don’t shave. Personally, I think most would request a trim for the above reasons. But, for me, completely bald or trimmed makes no difference. I just don’t want one inch long pubes getting stuck in my throat.

  10. I prefer totally shaven just so I don’t have to pick hair out of my mouth.

    A completely untamed jungle wouldn’t actually stop me from going down though.

  11. My own opinion is that I like both trimmed/groomed and shaven a lot. I think both looks and feels great.

  12. It will just depend on the person. Some like hair, some don’t care, some dislike hair. Some of it is cultural too, based off of where you live.

  13. I only knew on man that needed trimmed short or shaved. He had pubic lice at 18 at it traumatized him

  14. I think you’d be surprised how many men prefer it. My boyfriend is 23 and loves a landing strip which totally surprised me, but then again I grew up in the “women shouldn’t have a single hair on their body” phase. I’ve had to really train myself out of that. Not saying we should ever have to groom our bodies a certain way to please men, I just think you shouldn’t worry cause there’s plenty who don’t care at all and even some who actually like some hair down there.

  15. I (24F) have realized men like a little peach fuzz. I only shave my bikini line and lips (I get laser hair removal as well, which has TREMENDOUSLY helped with ingrowns), while trimming up the front part a bit. The only complaint I’ve gotten is actually when it starts growing back and gets prickly so I’ve been considering keeping a short bush. Being completely bare feels pedophilic to me. Like, I’m a grown, sexy woman… not a small child. That fuzz is HOOTTTTTTTT.

    Long story short, I’ve met more people that prefer hair over bald.

  16. Who cares? Do what you want. My rule about every part of my body is “if you don’t love it, you don’t touch it”

    I have the same issue as you. Tried everything, now I just trim. When I get around to it.

  17. I love pubic hair, to me it’s soooooo much more sexy, it
    Looks more mature. If it hurts your skin, try to keep hair and trim if you feel it’s too big. This is what I do and I’m male. There are several ways you could do to keep your pubic hair and still be very sexy!

  18. No, not at all!

    We’re all individual and have our preferences. I like pubic hair as long as it’s neat. My partner prefers to shave it, and it’s her choice so I won’t disagree with it.

    It just means you’ll need to find a partner who appreciates your hair. Clearly there are plenty of people out there who do, based on the other comments!

  19. I personally wouldn’t mind if my partner didn’t go below quarter inch, but that’s just me.

    Clean shaven is definitely no mandate, especially if the razor irritates your skin.

  20. A lot of people really like a bush. I only had one partner who didn’t like it and he turned out not to be very nice anyway

  21. some people have a preference but most people don’t really care. the only thing my boyfriend gets annoyed by is when the stubble pokes him when i grind lol

  22. Nope. Whatever makes her happy or conformable, I’m a-ok with. Trust me, I’ve dated some really really hairy women. Lol. I think a real person that’s into you won’t care. And that’s the way it should be.

  23. I prefer unshaven on most men, and literally anything on women. Full bush is great to bury your face in, and it’s soft and fun to casually play with. Clipped is tidy and improves navigation while avoiding skin issues. Shaved is a treat cuz you get to see everything clearly and silky soft labia are really 👌

    Variety is fun. But there’s bennies to every style so do what you like!

  24. I do not mind it in the least. I groom short; my wife does not. No problems with that at all.

  25. I prefer a woman with a bush but like it either way. When I was younger I didn’t but I had plenty of friends in my late teens/early twenties who did.

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