As a French, Victor Hugo is a legend of litterature but, I am wondering if he’s famous all over the world or just in France ?

  1. I haven’t read him but his name is definitely known, in my experience.

  2. Can’t speak for what’s taught in school now, but when I was in school, Victor Hugo was required reading for most of us. Everyone in the US should have some level of exposure to him through The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Les Miserables.

  3. Yeah, he’s pretty famous. I’m not as familiar with his works compared to some other authors, but I’ve certainly heard of him.

  4. Yes of course. I read his books in high school. A few weeks ago I stayed on Victor Hugo street too.

  5. Yes, his works are widely read here and considered literary classics, particularly Les Mis and Hunchback.

  6. Yes, I know of Victor Hugo. I can’t remember if I’ve read any of his work, but I do enjoy Les Misérables.

    My family likes to jokingly pronounce it “Lez Mizer-bleez”.

  7. Unfortunately he died before I had a chance to meet him. So, no, I don’t know Victor Hugo.

  8. Writer of the Hunchback of Notre Dame and Les Miserables?

    I’ve never read anything by him, but the name rings a bell.

  9. Yes. My second language is French and I’ve read some of his stuff. Personally, I am not a huge fan and some his stuff was really drawn out but he’s super famous.

  10. Considering he died ~a hundred years before I was born, i can’t say i ever met the man.

    But I am aware of his work, in particular, The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Les Miserables.

  11. Yes, I read The Hunchback of Notre Dame awhile ago. I was intrigued enough by the movie adaptations of it to read it, and I found it much darker and more moving than the movies.

    I could have done without the chapter about medieval French architecture, but I understand why he added that.

  12. Known in the US, and the best used bookstore in Boston was called Avenue Victor Hugo. It’s now in Lee NH.

  13. This is a weird coincidence because I was playing Trivial Pursuit with family last night and one of the questions was:

    “Who wrote the book that inspired the Disney movie _The Hunchback of Notre Dame_?”

    We got it wrong and my mother was disappointed in us. I knew there was a famous guy named Victor Hugo, but I couldn’t tell you anything more beyond that.

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