I am in a relationship with a guy and things are for the most part good. We don’t talk often so usually every time we do get to talk our conversations go alright. They go about as good as could be expected. I don’t really give much thought to things with them because honestly I don’t think I should have to. At the same time it does seem like us being in this relationship is moderately uncomfortable. Not just for me but for them too. I don’t want to say it is anything they have done, though I don’t really get the idea they are reaching out as much as they personally could be. They don’t have any reason to honestly so I honestly don’t care. I know it isn’t the best thing to say though if they really want to know my thoughts, I prefer it this way. If they want a relationship I am open to talking though have no idea what they could be looking for or picturing at this time. To be honest it is taking a lot out of me to not just do everything for them in conversation. I don’t exactly know their goals here either though so things could go either way at this point. Any ideas or advice on what to do is appreciated, thank you.

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