What is Something You Pretend To Understand, But Really Don’t?

  1. Most things IT related. I’m in sales and my mind just isn’t wired for that. When I talk to IT professionals it rolls off their tongue and I’ll ask them to dumb it down for me, and when they do I still just nod because I don’t follow half the time

  2. Hockey, football. Have been watching/going to games for *decades* with no real understanding of the rules. Honestly, I just enjoy drinking in crowded places and spending time with my SO.

  3. Politics, I am trying to learn so I can understand when I’m of the age to vote, but it’s so confusing!

  4. Bitcoin. What the f is it? I don’t wanna ask any guys I know because I know I’d be trapped in a three hour convo.

  5. American politics. Cryptos (I don’t ever want someone to explain it to me again). Certain international conflicts that I will not name because I’m embarrassed

  6. When I’m supposed to use the N on my car like why is it there when I only need to know drive? Is there a use? I’ve wondered this for years

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