So I’m a midsize woman with a pretty average face but I’ve been seeing this guy for about a month. When we matched online I thought he was cute obviously but still in my league. Turns out his pictures are shit and he’s way more attractive in person. He’s tall and lanky and I’m short and chunky. Anywho we’ve been seeing each other for about a month now, haven’t had sex yet but we’ve made out a few times and he’s called me hot during but I still get this feeling he’s too attractive for me. Any advice on how to get over that feeling? Also should I address it with him or will that just seem pathetic lol

  1. I mean, there’s no reason to bring it up to him, especially since y’all have just started dating. It’s not an issue for the both of you to work out, it’s within you.

  2. If he tells you that he thinks you’re attractive, you should believe him. I think you are uncomfortable in your own skin. I understand. I struggle with the same issues. Being “short” and “chunky” doesn’t make you ugly, unattractive, or unworthy of love. Every time you start doubting your self worth, start making a mental list of all of the things that you love about yourself. This guy sees something in you that he likes. You have to start seeing that in yourself and liking yourself. 💛

  3. When a bigger girl thinks she’s hot and likes to show it off, I tend to agree with them. Confidence has projection powers. Show him you think your body is sexy and he will chase you to the moon.

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