I(24f) recently found out my partner(21m) slept with someone else after threatening me he would if I didn’t have sex with. I was giving him sex but I guess it apparently wasn’t enough. I do remember rejecting him sex because I was sick and he told me he was a big sex person and can’t rely on jerking it. So after he threatened to have sex with someone else I had sex with him. I got sick a week later from stomach flu and told him I couldn’t have sex.

He randomly joked that he had a std and said that’s the reason I’m sick. What I had my whole family had so it wasn’t a std. But since that day he was acting funny and constantly joking he had a sexually transmitted disease. After I started to feel better, he wouldn’t have sex with me even when I offered it, he was acting as if he didn’t care for it. So I got mad about him rejecting me and he made it up to me. We had sex like usual nothing unusual about him, no new sex moves or anything. Until shortly I get some burning urination and told him. He said I had just a uti and teased me about the infection the whole time. He didn’t want to have sex with me(at least unprotected sex) cause he thought I was going to infect him with my uti. He texted me the next day and asked did I still have “my infection” (probably wanting to have sex this day.) When I went to the doctor she told me it was a std. I got furious about and confronted him. He said he doesn’t have a std and I’m the one with the “infected kitty.” We got into a argument and I called him disgusting but he goes “you’re disgusting you’re the one with the std 😂, I don’t have it” It’s obvious he had sex with someone else because I’ve been 100% faithful. Why did he have the need to do that? I can’t think where I went wrong and how could he do that to me.

TL;dr: bf slept with another person and gave me a std. I have been 100% faithful. He says I’m the one with the std and he doesn’t have it. He threaten he would sleep with someone else if I wasn’t giving it to him which I got scared and had sex with him but he did it anyway.

  1. Honey he insults you and mocks you and has likely cheated on you. This is not someone you should be with.

  2. >I can’t think where I went wrong

    You went wrong by agreeing to have sex with him when he threatened to have sex with someone else.

    If you’re determined to stay with this poor excuse for a man, tell him you’re not having sex with him again until he’s been tested for the same STD you have, and shows you the results, and then takes whatever treatment is necessary to get rid of it.

  3. Well…. you are dating a 21-year-old. There’s a definite lack of maturity there.

  4. I’m sorry but I couldn’t even read half of this….

    Throw the immature boy out where he belongs.

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