I’m getting to a stage in my life where everything seems uncertain and I feel this huge weight on my shoulders. How do you deal with this uncertainty and manage to pull forward? Do you see the world as a scary place or have you mastered your universe?

  1. I grew up as the wierd kid because I was genuinely wierd hunting, into knives and whatnot labeled schoolshooter all throughout school but then I hit 15 and started to flower 6ft good features started to fill out but I didn’t really realize my worth till 17

  2. I am confident when I’m in my element. In spaces where I know what’s up. I think I’m in my prime right now (22 years old, in college), it’s not the best time in terms of my overall happiness but in terms of my abilities and people’s respect for me I think I’m doing pretty well

  3. Think I was born confident. Confident to a fault, really. My dad was always the same way. That asshole has always been full of himself. Thinks he’s God’s gift to mankind or something. Guess the apple don’t fall far from the grapevine.

  4. Find out what makes you feel uncertain, write it down and see what you can do about it/want to do about it. I did this and what I could change I changed, what I couldn’t I just decided I didn’t give a shit anymore.

  5. Being good at what you do. Doing what’s hard. Doing it right even when no one is looking. Never stop learning and improving.

  6. I feel like I become a lot more confident after I worked on my first job for 2-3 years, making money feel like I cannot be stopped, I‘m self sustaining now

  7. Gym & Therapy helps, also eliminating things that lower your self esteem. Replace them with habits that raises it.

  8. Always working on being confident, as there’s a fine line between being confident in yourself and arrogance. Some days I’m more confident, some days I’m not. It’s a work in progress

  9. Not born confident…I think very few are. I learned it through 40 years of succeeding under really difficult circumstances. I am confident in my ability to figure things out.

    I think that’s a big misconception about confidence. If you need experience in a certain thing to be confident, you’ll always lack confidence in new circumstances. But eventually, with enough wins, you’ll develop confidence that you can figure out the unfamiliar and that translates to everything.

  10. My father passed away when i was 21. Overnight i became the eldest living male of a family of 4, with my mother being a housewife and having no real prospects on the job market. Oh, and my girlfriend broke up with me the same week my father passed away. I had to be there for my family while my own world was falling apart. I thought about killing myself many times, but my friends managed to keep me here. With their help and professional therapy i was able to get throught that phase of my life. Now, almost 5 years later, i have a sense that really nothing can put me down. I know i can bend a lot before i breake. I’m scared of the future, yes, but i’m pretty sure i can take whatever it still has to throw at me.

  11. Maybe, but some things happened between my birth and about age eleven that stole my self-esteem. Still trying to figure out how to get there. Not sure what age I would consider my prime. I am healthier physically than I ever have been before. Mentally, I am at a considerable low.

  12. My prime is gone, probably during high school and my first college. I can fake confidence when in territory that I can act like I know what I’m doing.

  13. I wasn’t born confident. I became confident through multiple crucibles in my life. I stood up to a bully, I discovered I was a two sport athlete, I became a martial artist, I joined theatre, I learned how to dance, I learned how to pick up girls, I learned how to mingle with anyone from all walks of society. Lots of little moments built one on top of the other to build the confidence I had today.

  14. I was not born confident, on the contrary.

    I had a declic in my early twenties after I a suicidal period. That I suffered that much but endured anyway gave me a lot of strength and self confidence. I thought that if I could survive this, I would survive anything life would throw at me.

    With a lot less anxiety and self pity, things quickly changed for me and I became happy. I thought my late 20s were my prime.

    Now (35) I’m in a harder time of my life again but I know that once I come out of it, I will have a new period of growth.

    Thus my prime is still ahead of me.

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