I (f18) have a bf (m18) of one year and we don’t really know what we’re doing. We were each other’s first about a month ago. We’re long distance again now so we can’t have sex but I’m worried our sex life is just meh and always will be. I’m also worried because he never starts anything first and I don’t really feel desired. People in long term relationships, did your sex life get better with time? And is it a bad sign if I’m always the one initiating?

  1. Lol yes, chill. You’ll get to know your body and what feels good and it’ll get better with time & communication & maturity 👌🏻

  2. I broke my virginity at 17 and sex didnt get good till I was about 23/24 when I realised what I liked and had the confidence to ask for what I liked. I felt how you did. There will
    Be a turning point when you realise; “oh now I see what all the fuss is about”

  3. Sex is fantastic with the right person, it takes time to practice, experiment and feel comfortable with it

  4. Yes as you mature and your relationships deepen you’ll find sex gets better.

    I can assure you i felt the same way when i lost my virginity most of us do.

  5. I lost mine at 16, (17 now) and honestly it’s rlly overrated. I obviously enjoy it alot with my bf who I love and have been with for nearly 2 years now and everyone makes a big deal over it. I think the biggest thing is communication, tell each other what u like/don’t like or what turns u on. Ik as I’ll mature into adulthood I’ll probs explore new things I like and so will my bf and setting boundaries is also a must. Also, don’t tell alot of people. Like, I told my ex friends and I regret it. They’d give me advice on smth they’ve never done and honestly, ur friends don’t always need to know every intimate relation u have with ur bf unless ur concerned bout smth that happened one time. But yea or just chose wisely who you’d tell cause sometimes people make it so overrated. Overall, just be chill with it. Straight after I did it, I was like “oh damn, we just had sex” and me and my bf just talked bout it and laughed. We had a good time. But I’d definitely say sex does get better as ur relationship deepens and it also brings u closer because it’s intimate and ur showing ur love for each other sexually. Idk if you’ll take advice from a chick who’s shy off 18 but that’s what I’d recommend. Good luck!

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