I’m a very clueless person. I have a bf but we haven’t gone that far yet. I honestly don’t know how to make this thing happen.

I don’t really like kissing much and I kinda want to skip that part, I’ve made out with several people before and I’ve never enjoyed it. It doesn’t do anything for me. I like being touched but not making out.

I don’t know if he wants to or not, he mostly likes to cuddle and stuff. I don’t know how to be sexy. I don’t even know if we have chemistry or not.

Should I ask or is that weird? Should I initate with body language/touching? No guy has ever tried to initiate it with me, not even him, is that a bad sign?

I appreciate all the advice I can get here, I can’t seem to crack the code

1 comment
  1. Communication is key. Definitely ask. Tell each other what you like and dislike. Then when one of you “make a move” you’ll both be on the same page.

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