I’m a 28(F) & I have been hooking up with a 29(M) whom I met on Tinder. I downloaded the app just for fun & was not looking for anything serious – just wanted to see what’s out there. I matched this guy & found out he’s also a Scorpio & we have mutual connection which made me comfortable meeting him.

We’ve been hooking up since April but we never established what this is nor talked about what we are looking for. The sex is amazing & he’s a good guy & we have fun conversations. I saw him about 2 weeks ago & I reached out to him after 3 days (since I was the one that stopped replying) & asked him if he has any plans since he’s the one who usually plans to meet.

I haven’t heard from him & I have been busy with life but I do have my needs. I know I should keep my options open, especially if he’s becoming less interested but I’ve never had a guy who matches my energy the way he does – not just in the bedroom but in other aspects, too. And yes, he’s also good looking. And I’m the type to just mess with one person at a time.

I am not ready for a relationship at the moment, it would be nice to have someone to do things with – hangout & have sex with. And I chose him because I’m really comfortable around him, he has his own place & he lives nearby.

I am debating if I should hit him up & see if he wants to keep doing this OR no message is THE MESSAGE?!

1 comment
  1. I’m genuinely confused at your thought process. You want a hookup FWB situation strictly but then you expect him to act like a boyfriend basically. It makes no sense. He can’t be both. It’s obvious that you’re not the type to hookup and not catch feelings so why even do this to yourself? I was like you a few years back and I got caught up in my feelings so bad that I’ll never do that shit again and I’m only 24. I think you know it’s time to let go.

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