What’s the best thing happen to you during the pandemic?

  1. I lost my relationship, my cat, my job, and my home during the pandemic. I’m struggling to think of anything good that happened.

  2. I get that it was awful for so many people, but it was a pretty good time for us. I saved so much money on gas, parking garage lease, getting stimulus money I didn’t need, etc.. between the stimulus money, cash discount, and pandemic sale, I basically got my roof replaced with only a couple hundred out of my money. I got to spend more time with my family, work from home (my office now just lets us keep working from home). Kids are back in school but my wife and I still get to go on lunch dates or take a lunch walk or something when I’m working from home, that’s probably my favorite thing.

  3. I had two more kids. My wife’s not too happy about having them a year apart. I, however, am over the moon ✨️

  4. i got back to playing games and i got much closer to my family. the lockdown was fine by me. also seeing my girlfriend made me feel like a dopeass secret agent. driving down the ghost town empty streets and chasing the time to get back home before military/police arests me. dope times honestly

  5. My main European competitors basically went out of business. One is merely a distributor for me now. The other completely folded. There are only three non Chinese manufacturers in this industry now.

    We didn’t play pandemic so I’ve been rolling around in money.

  6. Met a girl right at the start. Been with her for 2 years now. Best 2 years of my life tbh

  7. Ya you feel bad for thinking about the silver linings, it has been so tough on so many, but.

    I switched to teleworking. Permanently. I work for a big government agency and they can be a bit slow to innovate. But after two years of us all working from home, they really had to face the fact that we had become MORE efficient and productive. Almost everyone in my division has a national role anyway, so we aren’t really meeting with people locally 90% of the time. We were doing Zoom calls from the office before, now from home.

    In some sense, I am probably working a little more hours because I just dont care. My commute was an hour on subway mostly each way and now, sometimes I just start early because, eh Im up, and I like my work anyway. I think thats true for a lot of people.

  8. Got laid off of a job that had dropped salaries by 15%. Eventually everyone was furloughed, and they only brought back half of the salaried staff, still on reduced pay. By the end of the year only a handful of the 40 or so salaried people at the plant still worked there. By then I was already making better money at a private business that weathered the pandemic without needing to lay off a single person.

  9. learned how to spare money, be less superficial and start my debt free journey. Also became closer to my family.

  10. I got fired. Made more money with the unemployment benefits + bonus then I did working . Since my job was about 60 hours a week with commute it didn’t leave a lot of time /energy for job searching. Well now there was no excuses, so I got a much higher paying job in manufacturing

  11. Finally got through community College. Bad timing though, as it made my first year of university, something I had been looking forward to for a long time, distance only.

  12. Working from home. I’ll never step foot in an office if I don’t have to.

  13. I was able to cut off all my old friends who were using me for my car.

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