there was this girl that i had a thing with, we never officially dated but we did admit feelings for each other several times. we couldn’t date because of some personal reasons on her side (i know what they are and they are valid). about a month ago we had a situation between us where we had another talk about our feelings but i couldn’t stop telling her how much i loved her, and trying to get her to agree to a relationship and she said we needed a break because the situation was now too messy. (looking back i agree we needed this break because i put her on a pedestal of some sort and i was too infatuated with her, since our break this has faded quite a lot). anyways we started talking again recently and she said she lost feelings for me “because it was hard to not date and have feelings”. she wants to stay friends though. the thing is, i dont know if it’s a good idea to. im not nearly as in love with her as i was and for the most part i am over her. but a small piece of me would still be hoping for a relationship. so i am wondering would it be a good idea to stay friends to see where things go with no expectations in the hopes she changes her mind and wants a relationship, or should i just cut it off?

  1. If neither of you have any real mutual feelings for one another, stay friends. But if it seems like she starts using you as her punching bag or stringing you along- cut her off immediately. You can converse with her and communicate what the end goal is between you two, and nothing more. Draw a line in the sand and dont cross it. Otherwise, walk away now if your gut tells you to.

  2. Staying friends is how you get friendzoned, not how you get to a romantic relationship.

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