Today was the last time I will ever see the girl I like and I managed to get her email lmao but I just want to sort of stop liking her and thinking about her all the time.

I was wondering if there is a way I can just stop thinking about her and getting upset that I will never see her again. If anyone can tell me how they got over a girl they loved a lot, I would really appreciate it.

  1. Yes, there is a 100% bulletproof way of getting over her.

    **You have to meet more women.**

    If you are obsessing over a girl, it’s likely you are putting her on a pedestal. Hate to break it to you, but she probably isn’t that special relative to the rest of the population. None of us really are, even the guys.

    But that should be good news for you. As you expose yourself to more women, you’ll increase your odds of finding women who do like you back and who you can be with that are compatible for you.

    To stop dwelling on her, stop contacting her regularly and just live your life. Meet more women and she’ll be a thing of the past.

  2. Time. There is no easy way or surefire way except the passage of time.

    Maybe you’ll reconnect in the future, maybe not. Time will heal. Reflect on how it is making you feel. Stay in touch with her but continue with your life and become successful at what you do.

    You may meet in 40 years time and end your days together, or you may never hear from her again. First love is always the hardest. Real love comes to those who live life’s experiences.

    Rejoice in the feeling that you are capable of loving someone.

  3. Here’s a little bit ancient wisdom that might be helpful…

    Every night that you happen find yourself outside, try looking up at the moon. And if you find the moon, tell yourself this:

    > The moon is beautiful, but the moon doesn’t belong to me. It is enough for me that I can love the moon without having to own it.

    And then, whenever you see someone you love but can’t have, you tell yourself this:

    > This person is beautiful, but they don’t belong to me. It is enough for me that I can love this person without having to own them.

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